Chapter 7 - Shattered bottles and shattered dreams

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The smell of the meatballs in the fryer was making my stomach rumble.

I hadn't eaten for over a day and I was ravenous now that all the adrenaline and rush had faded.

My hair is still damp from my shower but I ignore it as it hangs in my eyes.

The meatballs spit at me as they sizzle with garlic and onion.

The hot balls of fat burn my skin but I pay no attention. Letting them hurt me. It's them that's getting cooked. Not me.

I'd probably spit and thrash if I were cooked in a frying pan.

I chuck spaghetti into the now boiling water, crushing them down when the bottom softens.

My mind flits and the wander to many different places. More than I'm comfortable with, the old Lucifer.

Two years with him until I finally killed him. He'd never let me get anywhere near something to turn into a weapon. It took two years until I realised my teeth were weapons too. Two years till I ripped his throat out as he lay above me.

I shoved the idea from my head as I poured the jar of tomato and Basil sauce over the meatballs, cringing at the now too-red sauce that looked too much like he did after I was done. Lumpy and red.

I shake the image from my head literally and check the pasta.

I've cooked an inordinate amount of food. 48 meatballs with three jars of sauce. Over half a kilogram of spaghetti to go with it and I slice half a brick of cheese to bring down with me.

I grab a second bottle of wine, a stack of paper plates and cups, plastic cutlery, a bag of frozen peas, ibuprofen, Paracetamol and of course the food.

My arms are completely full so it is a struggle to get down the two flights of stairs, yet alone unlock the door.

I put down the bag of plates, cups and wine but the pan is beginning to burn my hands I struggle the door open and burst through.

Seven shocked pairs of eyes stare at me as I stand triumphant from unlocking a door.

I chuck the huge pot of pasta and meatballs down on the floor and grab the plates.

I ruffle through the bag for serving utensils which I chuck to Jin. "Six each," I say after chucking the plates.

He looks at me dumbfounded. "Six?"

"Meatballs," I say as I look for the cheddar slices and iced peas. "I didn't have any more in the fridge so it'll have to do."

I grab the ice and drug and make my way over to Yoongi who is sitting up now.

"What is it?" He asks.


He gives me a dubious look so I shove it in my mouth and swallow before getting him out a new one.

Behind me, I can hear idle chat of a few of the boys and even some laughter.

I give him the second pill that he finally swallows, muttering something along the lines of "Thanks."

I move to Jimin and hand him both ibuprofen and paracetamol. He smiles at me with a big grin that closes his other eye, but not from the swelling. An actual smile, my heart misses a beat and I curse my easily swayed sensibilities.

Just because he smiled at me doesn't mean he forgives me or that he won't stab me in the neck the first chance he possibly gets.

I hand him the ice and reach for the plate Jin placed next to me thanking him quietly.

I chuck a meatball in my mouth savouring the taste of finally having food.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Jungkook asks making me choke very unattractively.

I almost laugh at the idea.

"No. That would make me his girlfriend. Satan doesn't do girlfriends." I say.

"Do you want to be his girlfriend?" He asks.

I actually do laugh this time. I high shocked laugh.

"No," I say simply. "You've seen the type of man he is. Not exactly boyfriend material." My voice holds more of an edge than I meant it to. They're weirding me out. Being too nice and too chatty. They've just been kidnapped for god's sake. 

What I don't say is that I already do everything you'd do with a boyfriend with Satan and have been doing for years.

Speaking of, I begin to feel nervous and pale about when he'll come over tonight. It won't be pleasant. Yoongi made sure of that earlier, though it probably wasn't going to be anyway. I had my suspicions of what he'd be like tonight.

I pour out a large cup of wine to ease myself and drink it quickly. It isn't expensive wine this time. But cheap. With a nice high percentage.

I breathe deeply the smell and cherish the feeling of it sliding down my throat.

By the time everyone who wants some has some, the bottle is empty and I remember the bottle from earlier.

"Where's the other bottle?" I ask Hoseok who finished his food in minutes.

He blanches. "Bottle?" He asks unconvincingly.

"I dropped it," Taehyung says simply and I feel Lucifer coming out.

"No you fucking didn't," I growl, refusing to raise my voice. "One of you smashed it," I say softly, dangerously so.

None of them answers me.

"Where is the glass?" I ask quietly. "All of it I mean."

Jin walks over to the mattress in the corner and lofts it up. Beneath it is the smashed bottle of wine. The green glass glints at me in the low light saying they'll stab you with me, yes they will. They'll tear out your throat as you did to him.

"Is that all of it?"

Namjoon nods. "It was an accident. We were concerned you'd think we were trying to make a weapon..."

"SO YOU HID IT?" I explode suddenly. "Smart plan." I ignore their wide and afraid eyes and skulk out of the room, locking it behind me.

I run upstate quietly and grab a dustpan and brush.

I unlock the door and walk in silently.

"In the corner where I can see you." I say pointing to the corner.

They link over and Yoongi hobbles.

I begin to sweep up the glass, swearing as I go.

I get most of it whilst glaring before I hear a faint call.

My head snaps up and I feel the blood rush from my face as I hear another slightly louder shout. I distinctly hear my name "Lucy!"

I shove everything I can into the pan and walk out the door muttering profanities about "Fucking Yoongi and his shit. Jesus fucking Christ. Cunt."

I slam the door, lock all three locks and throw the glass on the floor.

"Be back later tonight or tomorrow. Now's your chance to put the glass back. Oh... And you can eat my food... if you want."

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