Chapter 13- You want... What now?

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Namjoon looks almost smug.
Taehyung looks confused.
Yoongi looks suspicious.
Jin's mouth is open in a silent "O".
Jungkook I standing protectively again.
Hoseok has a broad smile on and Jimin... Well. I'm not entirely sure Jimin knows that he was kidnapped yet. He still seems to be remarkably unaffected.

"So... You kidnapped us , but now you want to help us escape?" Yoongi says, almost spitting the words out like an accusation.

"Precisely." I say, my cold front masking a whirlwind of nerves.

It has been a day since I decided, but I needed to sort everything out in my mind first- perhaps a mistake to have waited but hindsight is 20/20.

"You realise how insane that-" He says.

"Yoongi! Are you trying to pursued her not to?" Jin repremands as he interrupts him.

Yoongi doesn't say anything more but his sullen glare still pins me.

"Lucifer... How do you suggest we do it?" Taehyung asks seemingly ignoring his older group mates.

"It will have to be early morning tomorrow. You are meant to be collected in two days at near midday though I suspect they'll be early. It'll only be a few hours of a headstart but it's the earliest I can do it."

"Why?" Jimin asks before seemingly immediately regretting it.

"Satan is visiting." I say simply, unwilling to say anymore but by Jimin's blush they got what I was saying.

Namjoon thankfully changed the subject after a heartbeats awkward silence. "So what do you need us to do?" He asked.

"Just be ready and don't start shit in the little time we have left. I know you'll manage." I say almost growling to get my point across.

They have caused more than enough trouble already and I don't need another reason for Satan to look for us in the morning.

I'm really going off the fact that Satan leaves early and has never up to this point checked on them unless I'm there and they've done something to cause it. If he decides to check on the boys... We're fucked. No way to sugar coat it.

Satan's behaviour has been odd however as of late and much less predictable then usual. Perhaps he feels me pulling away or maybe he's just focused on the boys. Either way, it's a concern.

I don't voice any of this though. It would only worry the boys, but something about the way Namjoon looks at me gives me the impression he knows just how risky this all is.

Jin speaks, interrupting my train of thought. "How do we know you aren't just going to screw us over?"

Jungkook nods his agreement. His eyes full of concern.

"What would be the point?" I ask. "Fun? I'm not the sadistic type."

"As you have most definitely proven." Yoongi says sarcastically.

"You were a job. That's it. It was easy to think of you as objects to be stolen and sold. Drugs to be transported whatever. Don't take it personally, if I was sadistic you'd have it quite allot worse. Trust me. I was told to kidnap you- so I did. This was just supposed to be a job." My cool facade slips slightly as I get somewhat worked up and once again I let slip too much information.

I can see the question in Hoseok's eyes unspoken. Was.

I didn't look him in the eye and averted my gaze so he couldn't catch them again.

"Now for fucks sake. Be ready."

I don't wait for confirmation, they'd either be ready or wouldn't. Easy as that.

As I walk out and lock one of the bolts on the door, my eyes naturally fall on the door that I never look at. Too many horrific and painful memories. I haven't been in that room for years, makes sense after just as many years locked up there.

I'm not a sadistic person. I'm not, the old Lucifer however. He was the definition.

When I'm near sleep, I can sometimes smell the tangy scent of iron. Whether it's the rusted cage or his blood in my mouth ... I can never tell. Perhaps it's both.

I have to physically shake my head to remove my fixation on it and I force my legs to climb the stairs one by one. My legs have never been this heavy before. They feel like iron is pumping through them and my head throbs with the pressure from it.

I will get them out. I will get myself out. Anything after that... Now's that's a hard one.


Abducting BTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें