Chapter 3- The escape

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Taehyung yelps deeply as I fire the bullets, the reverberation evidently pushing back into him.

He's shaking. I can feel it against my body as I shove him into my front, using him as a human shield.

"I'm going to leave now. You six are going to follow. If you try to run, I will shoot you and then maybe some other people. So don't be an idiot." I stare at them deadpan wondering whether they can actually even hear me over the bedlam that is going on. "Understood?" I ask.

A few nods are my only reply.

They follow my instructions and walk even if they're too slow for my liking.

I alternate between pointing my girl at Taehyung's head and anyone that looks like they're trying to get close.

I know I have perhaps minutes before legions of armed police arrive so I hurry the boys up.

My watch ticks down the seconds until I have to be out.

We twist and turn taking obscure but quick routes to the exit. I don't worry about the cameras, they've been disabled by yet another person who owes SS a significant amount of money.

I notice that a few of the boys are sharing glances in certain directions so I steer them away, uncertain of the reasons.

My heart continues to pound as adrenaline spikes through me at every turn.

We run into the occasional employee of course but one wave of my girl has them backing off.

Finally, after what seems like too long but is actually the planned amount of time and less than two minutes, we reach the outer back door.

I push it open until I can see out of a crack and there it is. The getaway van is waiting idling for us to go.

I kick the door open and drag Taehyung inside. Having dumped him on the van floor, I signal fr the others to get in.

They hesitate for merely a split second before they too get in behind me.

I slam the door as the van speeds off and we lurch about.

I grab ahold of the side of the van as the engine growls in excitement with every acceleration and swerve we do.

I look around at the boys I have just abducted. They're all pale, understandably considering the circumstances.

Jimin and Taehyung sit next to eachother whilst Jimin holds a still shaking Taehyung. My heart aches just a tiny bit in empathy at this even as Jimin glares daggers at me. I remember what it felt like and I silently curse Satan for making me do this to people.

"Where are you taking us?" Namjoon growls in English. I can see something in his eyes that makes me think he believes in some crazy fan.

I look at him before rolling my eyes in a fuck it fashion.

"Someone is willing to pay an awful lot of money for you. Until they do, I'm in charge of you.... I'm not going to make a shrine from you if that's what you're thinking." I reply, not really answering his question but my tone says that's all I'm going to give him.

The journey continues in near silence for a few more minutes as the sound of sirens reaches further and further into the distance.

We slam to a stop suddenly and I jerk back muttering my favourite profanities below my breath.

The boys tense and I give them a look to say don't even try it.

The door slides open to reveal the two men who drove us.

"Roadblocks?" I ask in English and they nod.

"Ah fuck. I really didn't want to do this plan." I mutter. "Cuff them." I say as I leap out onto the floor, cracking out the discomfort in my neck caused by slouching in the van.

We're in a disused warehouse of some form or another completely hidden from view of any police helicopters.

I don't look as they're cuffed but I can her the slams and grunts of it happening. I cringe slightly as I hear one of them groan after a particularly hard slam.

"Hey! Their hair is worth more than your entire fucking life, so don't damage any part of them or you'll be paying for it." I snarl at the men who nod quickly and are noticably more gentle.

Huffing, I tear off the oversized black hoodie I was wearing and the bandana still wrapped around my face. I shove it into one of the pockets of my trousers.

Fucking modesty to the wind, I rip off my t-shirt too and ruffle through a duffle bag in the vans front seat for a change of clothes.

I hear a familiar wolf whistle making roll my eyes and turn around with a smirk.

Devil stands behind me looking me up and down. He's around my height but with short dark hair and in his mid twenties.

"What are you doing here Dev?" I ask still smirking at him.

I like Devil, don't trust him one bit but out of all of Satan's other seconds he's by far my favourite.

"I came to offer my assistance! And by damn am I glad I did." He said staring unabashfully at my tits even though I'm still in a bra.

"Right." I say. I look over to the boys where they now kneel on the concrete looking scared and even more confused now than ever.

Namjoon is studying my face and tattoos. I can see he's finding ways to identify me to the police, but I don't worry as if BTS ever do get to the police, Satan will surely kill me anyway.

"Wow Lucifer! I am impressed." Devil says walking up to where BTS kneels. "I had full faith in you of course, but when I heard you were doing it in the middle of a concert? I admit I was concerned about my favourite eye candy."

"Satan's idea. I couldn't talk him out of it." I said slipping on a black crop top, cursing the people that packed these clothes for me.

"Ah! He's always been one for a show." He grinned now kneeling down to look Yoongi in the face.

He reaches out a hand and strokes a lock of his hair inbetween his fingers and I see Yoongi's head jerk back.

"I'd move if I were you." I say just as Yoongi sends his forehead hurtling towards Devil's face. He jerks back just in time to prevent a broken nose but his chin still gets hit.

I burst into laughter at Dev's shocked expression and Yoongi's smug grin. "I'm not even going to break his fingers or anything." I laugh out. "That one's on you." I giggle now somewhat grateful that I didn't choose Yoongi to take.

"Yeah fucking yeah. Laugh your tits off." He says grumbling as he rubs his jaw.

The two Satan's sons men look slightly worried and confused however as it was their job after all to restrain them and it ended up harming one of the demons.

It is rare to meet one Demon, two however at the same time is somewhat of a nightmare or privilege depending on the circumstances. Two flirting and teasing eachother must be rather a mind fuck for the poor guys.

"Come on then." I say. "I'm still on a job after all." As I lift up a sewer grate and hop in.

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