» Book 2 - Chapter 16 «

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Xiumin's POV

I went back to SM Entertainment the next day, tears falling off my eyes. The Chinese boys brought me back to Korea.

Jackson promised to call when Min Na has other things that needed him. I just let him do his task.

"I heard about what happened, hyung." Suho said.

I wiped off the sweat from my forehead, "It's so complicated. What if she wakes up months later and forgets me?" I said sobbing.

"How could she forget a loving creature like you?" Suho asked and I was confused.

"What do you mean? I'm not loving. I even broke her heart." I said.

Suho stopped from walking and held my shoulders. "Hyung, you're the reason of her happiness. She probably just needed time to think about her problems."

I nodded and continued walking. "You're right, but what if she'll never forgive me?"

"She will, I promise you." Suho assured and we parted ways.

I went to my dorm and saw D.O sitting on my bed. "Why're you here?" I asked.

"Oh, Kai and Chanyeol hyung won't let me sleep there since the day you were gone." He rolled his eyes thinking about them.

"I'll allow you to stay for a while." I said not thinking about Min Na.

"I heard about you and Min Na though. I'm really sorry about it even if it wasn't my fault." He said sadly.

I sat beside him and gave out a fake smile. "It's no one's fault. Obviously it was mine."

Incoming Call
Jackson Boii Is Calling
Accept | Reject

I excused myself from D.O and walked outside and accepted his call. "Any news?"

Jackson spoke, "Well, she's awake, finally. It didn't take long but.."

"But what?!" I almost shouted.

"I haven't eaten yet and I've been stuck in this hospital for hours." He sounded like he was crying.

"Aish! I really want to go there." I sobbed. I really want to apologize to Min Na.

"Got to go. Bye!" He said then ended the call straight away.

I burried my face with my hands and continue crying. Why is being an idol so difficult for me?

Someone suddenly tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Sohye pouting.

"I'm sorry for bringing the both of you in this stupid situation. If I wasn't being that idiot in your lives then you both wouldn't end up like this." She said looking at the floor.

"I really love you, Xiumin. I don't know why I wanted to do this - to make you mine, but it's so hard for me to stop this feeling." She continued, "and I wanted to be the girl of your life, but I was wrong. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. I'm so stu---" before she tried to hit herself, I hugged her.

"Hey, it's fine, Sohye. I forgive you." She sobbed on my chest.

"It's good that the two of you have solved your problem." Manager hyung came up to us. "I was looking for you for the practice but found this." He smiled.

I was about to say something when he spoke first. "And yes, I will allow you to go back to HongKong. Anyways, you know the dance steps, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Great! See you when you come back. But promise me you'll come home with Min Na and not Jackson here in SM, okay?" He laughed and left me.

I felt joy and said my goodbyes to Sohye then ran to the airport. I didn't even care about how much I am spending.

Hours later I took a taxi then ran to the hospital. I looked for their room then barged in to see Min Na and Jackson.

I ran straight to her and hugged her. She was shocked for a moment but accepted my hug.

"Please forgive me." I cried.

She caressed my hair like nothing was bothering us. "I already forgave you, Xiumin. It was so hard for me to be like this."

"I already broke up with Sohye so um." I shyly smiled. "Will you be my girlfriend again?" I asked and she nodded. "I was always your girlfriend." She joked and I pecked her lips.

"Can we eat right now?" Jackson whined like a kid and we all laughed.


THE END!! :3

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