» Book 1 - Chapter 14 «

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Minseok's POV

I ran back to SM entertainment. I don't want to go out that long. Especially when my heart was torn into millions of pieces.

"Yah! Where have you been? Are you ditching practices just to go out or what?!" I heard Chanyeol's voice.

God dang, what should I do?! "Hani invited me to go out to eat something and--"

"Then you should've said no! You're an idol, hyung. Once there are rumors around you, EXO is gone! There will be even more bashers and we're all doomed. Mark my words!"

He shouted then left. Why is my life so cruel?

I had no words to say. He's right. What's wrong with you, Xiumin?! Anyways, It's all your fault that all of this happened.

I went inside my room and lazily jumped on bed. I touched my forehead and it was still hot.

I didn't even notice that someone called me.

"Oh, a call." I looked at who it was an unknown number. I picked up the call. "Hello?"

"Xiumin, meet me at *** beach. Ppali! This moment is urgent!"
(*** Is used for any kind of name you want it to be.)

That voice, it made me jump out of my bed. It was Taehyung. Even if I hate him that much, I have to go meet him.

I dashed to the door and met Chanyeol with a confused face.

"Yah! Where are you going?!" Chanyeol shouted but I had no time to waste. I need to get to that beach!

I drove to the beach that was said and I saw Taehyung waiting for me.

"So this is the moment that you must know because you dated the wrong girl which was Hani."

I was confused with his words. Wait, Hani isn't my gilfriend. I even rejected her.

"But, she isn't." I said in a confused tone.

"Let's get inside while I talk to you further." He had a serious face and got inside the area. I was really confused and I wanted to know more so I got in.

He sat down a pointed at the seat across from him. We were in the restaurant of the beach.

"Do you even know the reason why I called you here?" He asked.

I shook my head in disagreement. "Nope."

"Xiumin, you should listen to my words carefully. It could mean everything to you." I was shocked. Why is he doing this?

He paused for a moment. "I have been a bad guy before and I know I did such a huge mistake. I didn't even care if I crushed down your life. I made a huge sin and that was taking the girl you love away." He didn't even look straight to my eyes.

"I made a plan on dating Min Na so that I could have her already. I can't be patient enough for her love." He added.

I was really paying attention to his words. I was mad but I held it back. I need to know some more things that he'll say.

"I actually did get to date her but, you know what she did?" He looked at me in the eyes.

"She said yes?" I said in an annoyed manner.

Taehyung faked a smile at me. He couldn't keep his tears from falling so he really did.

"You were wrong. She loved you, hyung. She doesn't even know the other BTS members but she knew almost all about you. She can't even think about me as more than friends but just told me to remain a friend." He looked down.

I widened my eyes. "She did?!" He nodded in agreement.

"I planned to make you meet her so that you could solve things out. But when she saw you with Hani, her heart was shattered. She couldn't believe on what she saw."

I was dumbfounded. I don't even know what to do now.

"Did you know, she kept on thinking about your future? She was afraid that you'll leave EXO, she was concerned about your health, and most of all, she can't stop thinking about you and Hani."

"But that isn't true." I said. Tears were now forming on my eyes. What have I done?

"She only thought that she was just a girl in the crowd like other fans. But, I can't even make her smile. All she showed was a fake one."

All those were heart breaking. But, it wasn't my fault on why she rejected my love. We could've been together right now if she didn't even say those hurtful words. "But what about the time at the airport?"

Taehyung looked up to me. "She did that because she was afraid about your life, hyung. She couldn't imagine your future."

I put my head down in defeat. His words, they were all true. I'm such a dumb person for not  knowing about what's happening to her.

I can't believe I thought negative about her.

And most of all, I can't believe I fell into Hanu's trap.

"Maybe It's the time for you to say sorry. She's in his brother's house." Taehyung smiled to me. His smile was showing a good sign of friendship.

"I can't do this without you, Taehyung. You must come with me." I said.

He nodded then he ran to my car.

I drove to her house and knocked on the door.

I saw JB hyung opening it. He looked at me with flaming eyes. It was like he's going to eat me alive.

"I don't want you here. Please, she doesn't need you at this moment."

"Please! I need to say my apologies!" I pleaded.

"She doesn't need your time, Xiumin-ah. I'm just trying to be a good brother for her." He was about to close the door when I put my hand before it closes. It hurts but It's what I should do.

"I'm not leaving until I say my apologies." I firmly said.

JB eyed Taehyung and sighed. "Just for a moment, okay? You better not do anything that will hurt her."

I excitedly nodded and got inside.

I ran to her bedroom and knocked on her door.

"Min Na-ssi! Open up!" I shouted.

There was no answer. "Min Na! Open up! I want to say sorry!"

Still there wasn't any reply. I just barged in her room and to my surprise, it was open.

I looked around and she wasn't there.

I saw a letter written.

Dear Person Reading This,

You're so dumb for not closing the windows that I can easily get inside and kidnap Min Na. Sadly, I'm going to ruin her life till her last breath and she will definitely suffer. She must learn her lesson that Xiumin is mine.

Yours truly,

H? No way! Hani?! She's going to kill Min Na?!

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