» Book 1 - Chapter 6 «

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Min Na's POV

I'm always bothered with this girl. She's so annoying. Ruining our date with Minseok.

"Xiumin Oppa, where are we going?" I asked him.

"Somewhere, you'll see when we get there." He replied smiling at the mirror.

I hope It's not that far from our house.

I hopped out of the car when we arrived. I noticed it was a beach.

"Andrea, mind if you'd stay here?" Minseok asked the girl.

Oh, so the girl's name is Andrea, huh?

"There might be fangirls outside, oppa." She looked for an excuse.

This girl is already getting in my nerves. Just let as have peace!

"Um, okay then." Minseok gave up then we went to the beach.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw a beautiful table with flowers on top. Very pretty!

"So sweet!" I told Xiumin.

He just smiled at me.

"Oh my! I forgot my wallet. I'll just go get it, okay?" He said then left.

I sat on the chair. Andrea then approached me.

"My seat. Go find yours." She pulled the chair then pushed me away from it.

"Yah! Did he even tell you to come with us??" I asked her. I'm already boiling inside of me.

"You're being lame. Just stop being childish and grow up. Can't you even use your eyes and look for a chair?!" She said harshly to me. As if we met a long time ago.

I then just left her. It was probably the best thing to do.

I'm already done with her. I didn't look for a chair, I went to the washroom to cool myself down.

I just washed my hands just to divert my attention.

"Hey, are you okay?" A boy approached me. He was around my age.

I just smiled at him and nodded my head.

"You don't look like you're okay. Maybe we should grab a drink or something?" He offered

I thought about it for a while. "Sounds great!"

He was suddenly happy then we walked outside the washroom.

Taehyung's POV

I've been looking at that girl from afar for a while. She's really pretty.

I'll just go to the washroom and stay there. The washroom seems cozy to me. It sounds weird but it does.

I heard someone open the door of the washroom. It was a washroom for anyone to come in, actually.

I opened the door and it was the girl just washing her hands.

OMG, she's prettier since sshe's nearer.

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