» Book 2 - Chapter 9 «

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Jackson's POV

So that's where it all started, my father who called me to have some talking time with Xiumin.

"I'll just go outside. I have other things to do." My father said and before I even said anything, he walked out of the room.

Okay here, I'll change my language to Korean. After all, I'm a KPop idol so I must talk to him in Korean, too.

"What brings you here, Xiumin?" I asked him and put my half smiling face on, while he on the other side had a serious one.

He crossed his arms onto his chest and sighed. "Don't hide anything from me, Jackson. I know every single thing you're doing, and it might result to many complicated things for you." He threatened.

I on the other side was scared and didn't know what's happening. "But I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to tell him, but I knew he does not take that as an answer.

He slammed his hand on my father's table and it startled me. He stood up and pointed his pointer finger towards me. "I know that you're foolish, Jackson. You just want her from me."

Her? Who her? I want to look normal so I decided to act sarcastically. "Seriously, Xiumin. I don't know what you're saying. You should be specific when bringing up a topic."

He sarcastically laughed. He pointed to his self. "Me? Should be specific? More like you should know who Min Na is."

I saw Min Na crying on the couch crying there.

"Min Na, what's wrong? Tell me anything and I'm glad to help." I said trying to be a good friend.

She ran her fingers through her hair. "Nothing serious, Jackson."

I knew there was a lie in what she said. I held her hand. "Tell me. Stop lying."

She looked deep into my eyes and saw how serious I was. "Fine. It's just that I miss someone and it was that someone who breaked my heart. I just want to see him. You know that life is complicated and we have different breaks so It's so hard. He left me for a girl he likes, and I'm all left alone." She said with a cracking voice. I pitied her a lot.

I sighed. "Did he perhaps... Liked you?" I managed to ask.

She looked down and wiped her tears. "I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that, Jackson." She then left.
Flashback Ended

I couldn't take it anymore then slapped his face using my right hand. It was a sin yet he deserves it anyways.

He held his cheek where I slapped him. "You're the one who broke her heart. Do you even know how many sleepless nights she had. Do you even know what she did on those nights? She was thinking about you." I said in an angry manner.

He sighed, still holding his cheek. "Jackson, I just want to know where she is. I'm not here to bring a fight or whatsoever. It's just that I want her to accept my apology." Xiumin said.

I shook my head. "No!" I was about to leave when he pulled me away from the door then pinned me on the wall. "Fine, if this is what you want, then I'll have to do what you deserve, too."

He then started to pinch my arm and I yelped in pain. "S-stop." I stuttered.

"Tell me, Jackson. Tell me." He ordered. "Fine!" I gave up and he stopped pinching me. The place where he pinched me turned to the color of purple.

"She's in the hospital! She fainted and I have no idea what happened or what made her faint!" I yelled at him.

"Bring me to her." He said then we both dashed outside.

So there it all happened.


I never told Min Na anything about it.

Min Na's POV

I ran my fingers through my hair. I'm still on the hospital bed and I never even heard of Jackson's coming. All I asked myself was 'Where could he possibly be?' or even 'Is he coming back?' It made me go crazier since no one was here for me instead his parents.

Someone then knocked on the door. "It's opened." I called out. I crossed my arms onto my chest waiting for that person's face to pop up.

But when I did, my heart stopped. It felt like it never beated for years and I couldn't even breathe.

"X-xiumin?" I stuttered. He gave his warm smile and it melted my heart.

He ran to me and hugged me. "I miss you."

I was about to say my reply when flashbacks came to my mind. Random words came out of other's mouths.

It hurts and my head feels like a rock. I groaned in pain. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked then suddenly, it all stopped. "I'm fine."

Xiumin pulled out a chair and sat beside my bed. "Min Na, I know that this is so sudden and we haven't met for how many weeks and it feels like 2 months I guess. I feel like I lost you for years. Should we start all over again and you'll be mine?" He asked in a cheerful tone.

I suddenly felt a tear falling from my eyes. "But Xiumin...

I don't trust you yet.

All these past few days and I know you and Sohye are both happy. You have a strong bonding and you found someone better than me. That's the reason why I came here, Xiumin. I'm not making a drama scene like those Kdramas, but we both should move on.

Life should move on, Xiumin."

I let all the words that I kept inside my mind spill.

"I understand, Min Na. You like Jackson don't you?" He asked and he really got pissed off.

I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows. "No, I don't. And never bring up that topic."

He was about to leave when he turned around to face me.

"Then do you even like me? Why would you trust him more than you trust me."

He shook his head in defeat. "Make up your mind, Min Na. I'll never stop this hard feeling inside my heart if you don't."

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