» Book 1 - Chapter 4 «

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Min Na's POV

I was suddenly dragged inside Hani's car.

How can she have the nerves to do that??


You can't contain your angriness and started to say something. "As if you didn't go out and eat with him. YOU WEIRD--"

"Yah! Stop fighting.." Kisha said.


When we arrived at my brother's house, she pulled us harshly into the house.

"Ya! Ya!!" Kisha groaned.

"That's what you get for talking back at me!" Hani said.

She pushed us in the attic and locked it. "Bye suckers!"

There was a moment of silence but then Kisha broke it.

"We're doomed! We're doomed! This can't be! This can't! It's almost Monday! Maybe I have symptoms of cancer? WHAT TO DO?" She cried.

You just stared blanky at the door.

"Yah! Are you just going to stare there or help me?"

I looked back at her and it broke my heart that she was crying.

I always see a happy and annoying sister, but Hani broke her heart.

You immediately hugged her and tried comforting her.

"Shh. It's okay. Unnie is here. All we have to do is to pray for a Miracle. Oppa may not be here, but we have to think positive and see what God will give us." You gave her a smile.

"You're right, but It's my first time to be in this situation." She nervously said.

You looked out of the window and sighed.

"Any miracle can do. Just save us."

Minseok's POV

Gosh, I drove back to the apartment but kept on glancing at her phone.

When I arrived and stepped down from the car, I saw Hani again.

You had to smile at her.

"Hi again, Hani!" You greeted her.

"Oppa, I need your help."

"What for?"

"Something important. Maybe you should come to our house. And I think you need to sleep there for tonight because the work will make you tired."

You widened your eyes. I can't believe she's inviting me to her house. Our manager is going to kill me!

"Don't worry, Oppa! I already asked the other staffs to tell your manager that you're going somewhere for an important thing." Hani said to make me feel okay.

"Phew! I had a heart attack! Okay! Let's go then."

You arrived at her house. It was kinda simple which I like it.

"This is your house, Hani?" You asked her.

"Yeah, this is my house. It's nice isn't it?" She smiled.

"I'll prepare you something. I'll make you dinner. You want?" She asked me.

"Sounds great." You smiled at her.

She went to the kitchen and made dinner.

I like the house. Clean, proper, simple. This house is all I really wanted. I don't want those fancy ones. They're too much.

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