Chapter Eleven

Começar do início

"I forgot to shake on it, dammit" He whispered and sighed.

There was a few knocks on his door, Liam frowned and slowly sat up on his bed. He stared at the door thinking it had been his imagination, but then there was another knock.

"Who is it?"


"Who the hell is Damien?" Liam asked himself. He stood up and walked to the door, he opened it and saw the guy he had seen at the front desk when they arrived but also had been with Zayn when they bumped into each other.


"You're Liam, right?" Damien asked as he looked at Liam top to bottom.

"Yeah, that's me. Can I help you?"

"Dr.Fray wants to see you. Something about your stay here." Damien shrugged, as he leaned against the door frame.

"Thanks" Liam said as he walked past him and made his way down the hall. Damien quickly catching up to him.

"Do you even know where his office is?"

"No, but I'll figure it out." Liam said slightly annoyed, he didn't know the guy but just the fact that he was with Zayn earlier didn't sit well with him.

"Yeah okay. You're going to get lost and get in trouble for it." Damien explained as he continued walking next to Liam.

"How do you know Zayn?" Liam stopped walking and turned to Damien. Who didn't look surprised at all as he turned to Liam.

"Met him earlier today, said he was here on a mission and I offered to help if he wanted me to."

"Mission?" Liam frowned, Damien only chuckled and shook his head.

"Sorry, top secret. Don't think you're trusted enough to know."

"I'm his husband." Liam said, clenching his fists.

"And yet he didn't tell you until today, wonder why?" Damien laughed before walking away, leaving a very confused and slightly hurt Liam.

Liam couldn't stand that guy, but he also wasn't going to let him get the best of Liam, he was there to get better whether he liked it or not, so that's what he was going to do.

Liam finally found Dr.Fray's office after like 20 minutes. He knocked on the door, and patiently waited for it to open. Dr.Fray smiled at him after opening the door.

"You have 30 minutes." He said before walking off. Liam was completely confused until he turned to look into his office and saw Zayn sitting on the edge of the desk, smiling at him.

Liam smiled wide and quickly made his way over to his husband, who didn't hesitate to take him in his arms and press their lips together.

Liam really could stop smiling so they pulled away, "How?"

Zayn chuckled before reaching to close the door of the office, "He's not a bad guy, and really does want to help you out so he allowed me to see you."

"I wish we could go home instead, I don't want to be here." Liam sighed, sitting down on one of the chairs, Zayn sitting down on the one next to it.

"I know, but I can assure you, you're going to be okay. I was here before remember?"

Liam nodded as he held Zayn's hand tightly, something they really hadn't done in a while. They had become so distant they hadn't really noticed until now.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm going back home." Zayn spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

Liam teared up as he turned to look at Zayn, "Can't you stay here?"

"I was trying to find an apartment nearby for me to rent until you were released but I only brought enough medication for a week. So even if I didn't leave tomorrow, I would have to leave in a week." Zayn explained as he gently rubbed the back of Liam's hand out his thumb.

"I understand. But you'll come and visit me when you get the chance right?"

Zayn nodded as he reached to wipe away the tear that was falling down Liam's cheek. "Of course, my love. I also need to figure out who sent that letter, I fear for both of us."

Liam nodded, "We'll be okay right? There's no one trying to hurt us or anything?"

Zayn shrugged, "I hope not, which is why I need to figure out who it was. And why they would pretend to be someone else."

They sat there, just holding hands, basically enjoying being together. Not talking, just sitting there.

"Hey Zayn?"

"Hm?" Zayn looked at him, waiting for Liam to continue.

"I love you."

Zayn smiled and leaned forward to peck on Liam's lips, "And I love you"


I know, I know. I said I would update yesterday but I wasn't feeling well at all so which is why I'm updating today.

But anyway! Ziam moment! Awwwww, long overdue, I know.

Today's shoutout is for: outofmycxntrol ♥️

Love you!

Georgina xx

Dusk Till Dawn - ZiamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora