"You haven't heard of a lot .just remember if you try this again I'll kill you myself." she said.

Her eyes change from the yellowish red eyes to her normal brown. She warbled. A little then she finally holds her footing.

"What just happen?" Dianna asked.

"Your vampire soul took over."

"What does that mean?"

"You have three sides of you. your human which is the original and your vampire and wolf soul they take over when they see it fit to until you learn to control that ."

"It happened before the last time that you talked to me."

"Yea that is how you could get away."

"Your vampire and your wolf make you stronger faster and better than any other species expect the hybrid with element power."

"What are those?"

"not those it's said only one is born in each generation the last one that we know of died eighteen years ago we don't know what happened to her and the one before her which was her mother died during a pack attack where her whole pack was whip out ."

"So there no more of them left?"

"We don't know but they only bring destruction everywhere they go. It always ends with death when it comes with them."

"Will I ever be allowed to leave?" she busted out.

A sharp growl escapes his mouth.

"No!" he said so fast.

"You have to understand I don't know you and I have so many questions I would like to ask my parents."

"You will know me soon and I'll never let you leave."

"What about school?"

"I'll hire a teacher to home school you."

"My parents will find out that I stopped since they pay my school fee."

"I'll take care of that."

"Every break I'll have to go back home."

"And you will with a lot of guards."

"That can't happen my mother will asked questions."

"They won't be in plain sight."

"Please Sir don't do this to me."

Zane growled at the word she used to refer to her.

"My name is not Sir it's Zane and I'll prefer you to call me by it."

"I didn't know what your name was."

"Now you know."

"Your house is huge are you a king?" Dianna asked she couldn't help but to be curious.

Zane laughed at her question.

"No not yet anyway."

"So you're a prince?"


"What do you mean yet if it's okay to ask?"

"You don't have to say it like that."

"I do you get offended with everything."

He growled again.

"You see."

"Any way I'm not king yet because I have been waiting on you."

Dianna heart in her chess speeds up.

What am I ?  {book 3 of Rejected By My Own Kind But Accepted By The Enemy }Where stories live. Discover now