Chapter Three: The Truth

Start from the beginning

"You are free to go" Arthur said after some tense moments of the pair just staring at one another. He watched as Merlyn's mouth dropped open in surprise and her eyebrows flew up.  He was slightly surprised by the words himself. He had planned on putting her in the pillory, a small punishment compared to what others received for attacking him. But when he had seen her on the ground ... he felt like he had a debt to pay, she had saved his life.

"T-Thank you" Merlyn answered, Arthur pointedly stared at her for the lack of title, did she forget already he was a prince? He watched as she rolled her eyes and said "Sire." Merlyn began to walk out of the cell, as she passed him he reached out and lightly took her arm. She stopped and looked up at him with her strong blue eyes, the rebelliousness clear in them - he could only imagine how much effort it was taking to hold her tongue.

"Heed my words, Merlyn, if you ever humiliate or show disrespect like that again ... you will go in the pillory for a week, that I can promise" Arthur said. Merlyn only stared at him; she did not cower or shrink back at the threat like so many others did.

"I'm not going to apologise for sticking up for someone. I would spend a week in the pillory if it meant teaching you some form of humility" she replied before she pulled her arm out of his grasp and left. Arthur turned to watch her go. He was completely surprised by her words and actions again. It seemed his title was never going to gain respect from the dark haired beauty.


Merlyn was tired and frustrated and tired and angry and frustrated and ... she burst into Gaius' chambers. The prince was a prick ... who set her free with no punishment. Sighing she dropped down onto the bench at the table. Why had he let her go with no punishment? As she contemplated the question, the door to the chambers opened again only this time it was the owner who swept through.


"Uh oh" Merlyn grimaced as she knew what was coming.

"You never cease to amaze me! The one thing that someone like you should do is keep your head down, and what do you do? You behave like an idiot!" Gaius ranted. Merlyn knew he was speaking the truth.

"I'm sorry but he was punishing a servant for nothing" Merlyn argued. Gaius however was not happy and no excuse was going to change that.

"You're lucky Arthur didn't call for your head!" Gaius replied. Merlyn knew that. She had honestly thought that her head wouldn't be attached to her shoulders at this moment and she was just thanking all gods she knew that it was.

"Would he have?" Merlyn enquired, the prince she knew wouldn't have but she wasn't sure how much he had changed. Gaius on the other hand had lived with the boy for a long time.

"No I don't think he would have" Gaius replied heavily before he sat down beside Merlyn. "He isn't his father." Merlyn sighed in relief – she had no idea why she felt relieved but she did ... maybe she was just glad that he wasn't as bad as she first thought. Though Gaius was sitting beside her, Merlyn could practically fell the anger coming off him in waves.

"I know you're still angry with me."

"Your mother asked me to look after you and you're making that very difficult" Gaius explained. Merlyn felt a twinge of regret at that and sadness over missing her mother. After a few moments of silence, Gaius began to question Merlyn over things he needed answers to. "What did your mother say to you about your gifts?"

"That I was special" Merlyn answered.

"You are special. The likes of which I have never seen before" Gaius replied. Merlyn frowned at that.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, magic requires incantations, spells. It takes years to study, to master" Gaius explained. Merlyn found the information amusing.

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