Chapter 67: Pick A Star, Any Star

Start from the beginning

But Mom would never, in her right mind, willingly allow me to meet up with my boyfriend in the middle of a public park at midnight. She would see it as a welcoming sign to get myself kidnapped on the long walk there. I wasn't in a fit state to cycle since my pills made me incredibly drowsy.

After supper, I pretended to take my painkillers but spat them into my hand when Mom wasn't looking and excused myself. Lying that I was tired, I took a quick shower, reapplied the cream I was prescribed for my burns and threw on clean underwear.

I stood in front of my closet, confused as to what I should wear.

Was it a date?

I guess it was, but I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard so I settled on a tight, long-sleeved top with black leather leggings. Turning off the lights, I jumped into my bed and pulled the covers up to my chin just as Mom crept into my room to kiss me goodnight.

"If you need anything, just wake me up and if you wake up with another migraine, take two of these and one of these. If you can't remember, just knock on my door sweetheart," She planted small cylinders of tablets onto my bedside table and backed out of my room, oblivious to the fact that I was fully clothed beneath my duvet.

"Okay Mom. Love you," I called out when she started to close the door behind her.

Pausing momentarily, a soft smile stretched across her lips. "Love you too dear."

Once the door clicked shut, I waited thirty minutes whilst she showered and disappeared into her room before flinging the covers off me. Rooting around my room for my white converses, I spotted one underneath my desk and the other peeking from behind my wardrobe.

"I swear I just cleaned this room!" I grunted under my breath as I slipped them on and crept out of my room.

Silently, I avoided all the creaky floorboards and made it down the stairs in an agonisingly long five minutes. Restless from creeping around soundlessly, I pursed my lips with concentration when I closed my hands around the keys that lay on the living room coffee table.

Their soft chime echoed throughout the house, startling me and before I could stop myself, they slipped past my fingers and clanged deafeningly when they hit the glass surface of the table.

I froze, terrified that Mom had heard me.

"Ashley?" Her voice rang from upstairs and I heard her switch her bedroom light on. "Are you okay?"

"Shit!" I breathed before clearing my voice and calling out. "I'm okay Mom, I'm just thirsty so I'm getting a drink."

The silence that followed seemed to stretch on forever, filling the house as I waited for her to come downstairs and catch onto my crazy plan.

"Don't forget to switch off all the lights," She yelled before adding goodnight and switching her light off.

Breathing a heavy sigh, relief coursed through my body and I relaxed my rigid shoulders. Crouching down, I gingerly picked up the house keys and this time I made sure that they didn't jingle. Moments later I was easing them into the lock, turning slowly so the loud click didn't cause Mom to come pounding down the stairs. Holding my breath, I closed my eyes and concentrated on shutting the door behind me without making a sound. When it clicked shut, I bit my lip and froze still, listening for Mom's screams.

Silence filled my ears for the next minute. Once I was certain that she hadn't heard me, I tiptoed along the porch and jogged until I was three blocks away from my house. Only then did I let out the breath I had been holding.

I did it! I made it past Mom without getting grounded for the rest of summer. A dazed grin broke onto my face as I practically skipped the next block and hurried down winding streets that led up to the park.

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