Chapter 47

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Phil sat in a rented Toyota Tarago. He waited. He knew the patient hunter was the victorious hunter. Country music came through the car radio. How Bec could possibly choose to live here instead of Brisbane was beyond him. He turned off the radio. Better to wait in silence than listen to that rubbish. It was just more confirmation that Bec needed his help to get back on the right path. Phil had it all planned out. He would go up to the flat, present Bec's father's camera gear as an apology for past sins – girls liked that sort of thing – explain his case, then drive Bec home to Brisbane.

He didn't need Peter fucking Watson anyway. That guy proved to be loyal only as far as the money stretched. He shouldn't have been surprised, really.

Over the past few months, some business dealings had fallen through. Then Phil's business partner had sold out. The bank was asking more questions.

Now, Phil realized that he needed Bec as much as she needed him.

Yes, he'd had a few girls in the meantime, but that was only fair. Bec was seeing other guys. It balanced the equation. All in all, Phil rationalized, Bec was his lucky charm and he was her knight in shining armour. They belonged together. Her Guinevere to his King Arthur.

He saw Jen's little blue Honda pull out of the apartment building's car park and drive off down the road. He checked the photos and schedules Peter Watson had given him at their last meeting. At least they were reliable. Bec didn't usually leave the apartment until nine-thirty. He had time on his side. She was probably still asleep. Bec always slept late. It was one thing that annoyed him about her. How could she sleep so late? The morning was the best time of day. It was probably the tequila. She never could handle her drink. He was a caring man. He would give her time to sleep.

Inside the apartment, Bec was awake and going through her things. She had five days to prepare for her move to Melbourne.

As she opened and closed draws, she thought of her talk with Ryan last night. They hadn't reached a consensus, but she sensed all he needed was a little security and a foothold in Brooksdale, and he would come with her. Perhaps Jen would agree to rent his house?

She picked up the necklace that Ryan had made for her. She hadn't worn it since their meeting at the river. Now, she held it for a moment, then put it on. Things would work out just fine, she was sure.

She looked at the clock: eight-ten. Time for her morning coffee. In the kitchen, she noticed Jen's phone on the counter. Bec shook her head. Everyone had their faults and she knew she would miss Jen's habit of leaving her phone or her car keys lying around.

A knock at the door startled her. She put down the coffee pot. "Just a moment!" It was probably Jen back for her phone. Bec shook her head as she swung the door open. A strong hand pushed her in the chest and she stumbled back several paces.

Phil. In front of her. He closed the door and locked it.

Bec dashed to the sofa where her mobile phone sat on a cushion. Phil was faster. He grabbed her, lifting her off the ground. Bec kicked into the air like a toddler having a tantrum. she felt a white flash of panic burn across her mind and adrenaline flooded her body.

She screamed.

Phil flung her to the ground. She rolled onto all fours and started crawling, she screamed again, then felt sharp pain reverberate through her skull and fell flat on the floor. Her head pulsed and she had trouble collecting her thoughts. She saw Phil's feet in front of her, then felt his hands under her armpits as he lifted her up and sat her on the sofa.

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