Chapter 15

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Ryan wanted to finish grading his British Literature class' essays before the weekend. He rushed through them and when the last one was done, Ryan checked the office clock, 4:55.

Ryan's grading from white to blue belt was at 5:30. Ryan was excited, yet worried. Some of his students also took classes at Tony's gym.

As it was Friday, he could have two celebratory drinks if he passed. He never had more than two drinks these days. He rushed out of the office and down the corridors in a walk-run-shuffle, into the staff parking lot, and jumped into his faithful F-150.

As he eased his beloved and well-used Ford through the carpark towards the road, he spotted Jen making her way to her car. He made a detour and called out, "Hey Jen!"

Jen had her head down and was digging in her bag for her keys. She looked up and smiled when she saw who it was. Ryan said, "Coming out for a drink tonight?"

"I don't know. I've got a stack of papers to grade. I might if Bec is up for it."

Ryan glanced at the clock on the car's dashboard, 5:00. "Well, I hope to see you both out. Can't stop and chat now. I've got my grading for Blue Belt at 5:30. "

"5:30? Ryan, it's 5:20 now. You'd better hurry."

Damned clock! Ryan waved and sped out of the car park.

Brooksdale High sat atop Chuckwood Hill, which the locals often called 'Chalky's Hill'. Every morning, students trudged up the hill towards the school while bus kids waved and jeered from the windows of the busses that came in from the surrounding villages and farms.

The gym was in the South-East corner of town and it usually took ten minutes to get there from school, but Ryan had to get his gi on and he wanted to warm up. No chance of that now.

Ryan flew down Chalky's Hill on Black Rock Road, which didn't level out until it hit the bridge across the river. The truck bounced as it transitioned from hill to flat.

C'mon. Gi'me green!

There were only a handful of traffic signals in Brooksdale, and one of them was on the intersection of Black Rock Road and Main.

The light was green, Ryan spoke out loud, "Green baby. Stay green."

Closer now. The light changed to yellow, Ryan braked to take the corner and his brakes squealed embarrassingly. At least it served as a warning for anyone crossing the road.

The F-150 rocked as Ryan steered it around the corner, making a tight right-hand turn as the traffic signal turned red.

"Yeah!" Ryan thumped the steering wheel in triumph. Five minutes later he pulled into the gym's parking. His truck's clock still read 5:00.

"Damn, Ryan, you cut things fine today!" said Jerry as Ryan stepped onto the mat.

"Sorry. Had some extra work to do at school last minute."

Tony, the chief instructor and owner of the gym walked over. "We get that people have lives," he said. "Paul is going up against Maria when she is done with her aerobics class. You and Jeff are going first and you'll help out for the grappling section."

There were four tests today, Ryan, Jeff, Paul, and Maria, who was grading after she had finished teaching an aerobics class. Maria was Tony's wife and business partner. Tony always said if it wasn't for Maria, the place would have been bought up by Michael Brooks – and that would have been a disaster.

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