Chapter 10

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Bec reminded herself to breathe deeply. Everything would be fine. She was in a public place. She just had to assert herself.

It was Saturday. The last Saturday in June. Bec was about to confront Phil. She sat with her back to the window in a quaint coffee shop off Main Street. It had deep-brown timbers and brass fittings which gave it a Victorian steam-punk feel. Bec wished she could relax s she could enjoy the atmosphere.

Beep. Beep. Bec was startled by her phone. There was a new message from Steven.

Saw you go into the Flat Rock Cafe. I'll buy you coffee.

"Oh shit," whispered Bec. Steven had messaged her a few times since their date on Thursday night and she had politely declined his offers for more. He obviously couldn't take the hint.

Steven's Mercedes pulled into the curve and parked in front of the Flat Rock Café. Bec watched anxiously as he got out of the car and walked into the shop. The bell tinkled as he opened the door.

He was wearing gym clothes and looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. He saw her and smiled. "Hey! How're you doin'? I'll get you a refill."

Bec said, "No, that's fine."

"Hey, they do a great cheese cake here." Steven sat down and Bradley the barista came to take his order of a soy latte and two cheese cakes. "I'm really looking forward to this. I just finished a work out and it was great. I'm planning to open my own gym, you know. It's a growth industry and that place run by Tony is a shambles. The town needs a pro-gym."

The cakes and coffee arrived and Bec said, "Look. I'm sorry, but..."

"You don't like cheese cake? C'mon, who doesn't like cheese cake?"

The bell tinkled and Bec stiffened. It was Phil.

He looked around the café. He was a predator, scanning the environment for his prey. He saw Bec and strode towards her. "What the hell is this?" Phil demanded.

Steven turned in his chair to face the new-comer and Phil scowled at him. Steven said, "Hey. Back off, man."

Phil took off his coat and slung it over an empty chair.

Phil said "I need to talk with Becky, alone. I bet she didn't tell you she was already in a committed relationship."

Steven looked open-mouthed from Phil to Bec. Phil continued, "She's just using you to make me jealous."

Steven stood abruptly, stumbling on the leg of the chair and Bec noticed his hands were shaking. A red flush showed in his cheeks. Steven glared at Bec and said, "I should have known!" He walked out, leaving Bec alone with Phil.

Bec's heart pounded with nerves. Phil knew how to own a situation and get his way. It's what made him financially successful, but there was hell to pay when he didn't get his way.

Phil was handsome, too. Fit and a good dresser. He had mastered the rugged city look; square jaw with a day's worth of stubble, a slim-fit shirt that showed off his angular torso, and short cino's that revealed muscular calves.

He sat down where Steven had been sitting moments before.

Bradley chirped, "Hello. What can I get you, sir?"

Phil waved the enthusiastic young barista off. His eyes settled on Bec. "What're you playing at Becky?"

Be assertive. Bec held Phil's gaze. "I left you. I'm not coming back. I want the rest of my things."

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