Chapter 31

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August saw a reduction in frosts and for the first time, Bec didn't need her winter coat. She stood in the reception area of Brooksdale High School with boxes stacked on a trolley that were full of student photos. Working with Adam, the photos had been done in record time. When Paul found out, he was furious. "What am I supposed to do next year! Now everyone will expect their photos done in a couple of weeks," he had yelled. But, Bec calmed him down and in the end got the job of delivering the photos.

As she approached the reception window, Bec felt confident and relaxed. Gone were the feelings of anxiety she had experienced that first time she visited the school. In fact, Bec was as happy as she had ever been. Her relationship with Ryan was going well. Her worries that sex would change things were unfounded. In fact, things were better. Bec hoped she could catch Ryan before she left the school and set up a little date. She had news to share.

"Yes. Can I help you?" It was Delores Mayfield. Her eyebrows were arched and lips pursed.

Bec discretely cleared her throat before answering. She felt the need to have a strong voice. The town was watching.

"I'm here to deliver the school photos."

Delores' face softened, "Ah, Rebecca Williams. I thought I recognized you. Changed your hair, have you?"

Bec involuntarily touch her hair as she replied, "Just back to my natural colour."

"Well, it suits you, dear." Delores left the office and joined Bec in the reception area. She said, "So, you're the woman who has put a spring back into our Ryan Anderson's step." Bec felt heat rise in her cheeks as she thought about everyone knowing her personal life details.

Delores continued, "How lovely for Ryan to be dating such an attractive and talented woman."

Bec laughed uncomfortably, trying to deflect the praise. She replied, "Well, I don't know about that."

"No? Well I do know that you are certainly lucky to have found a man like Ryan Anderson." Delores reached out a hand decorated with several gold and diamond rings. Bec stiffened, but Delores said, "Relax dear. I've heard good things about you. But you should know, Ryan's a man who takes commitment seriously. Not like his brother at all!"

Delores removed her glasses, letting them hang from the pretty, silver chain that held them around her neck. She continued, "You could hardly do better than Ryan Anderson. I'll call up to Ryan's office – see if he's free to come down."

Delores giggled and grabbed a firm hold on the bar of the trolley. For an old lady, she certainly had a lot of energy. All Bec could do was hold the door open for her as she charged forward.

Ryan arrived at reception as Bec finished stacking the boxes in a corner by the photocopier. He saw Bec straining to straighten the boxes and took a moment to enjoy her physicality. She would do well in BJJ.

"This is a pleasant surprise," said Ryan to announce his presence.

"Quit staring," retorted Bec. Delores chuckled.

"You have found a wonderful woman, Ryan."

"I know."

Ryan and Bec held each other's gaze, but were interrupted by a loud sigh from Delores. "How is the youth centre going?" she asked. Crafty Delores. She could see the new romance in town and get the gossip on the drama of the youth centre.

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