Chapter 40

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            Bec slipped off her shoes and sunk down into the sofa. It had been a long day. She had been in the studio alone while Paul was out at a wedding shoot. She had put up with screaming babies and moody kids from nine till five and if Ryan thought she was going to jiu-jitsu with him, he had another thing coming. The was a knock on the door. Bec groaned then answered it. It was Ryan and he had his gym bag.

"Hi. You ready to go?"

He was serious, and she was not ready to go. She was tired and she wanted an early night. Tomorrow she had to pack and catch the over-night bus to Sydney, then on to Melbourne.

Bec ran her hand through her hair and sighed. "I'm not going."

Ryan didn't seem to hear her. He walked through to the living room and dropped his gym bag on the floor.

"Bec," he said. "You need to come. One lesson will prepare you for trouble. Melbourne is the big-smoke, you know. Not everyone has the best of intentions down there."

Bec couldn't help but roll her eyes. She strode up to Ryan and put her arms around him, but she did not smile.

"I used to live in Brisbane, remember? I'll be fine."

Ryan broke away from her embrace. "Just one lesson. For me. I'll feel better knowing you've had some training. Besides, I told Tony you'd be coming so he's going to do a special self-defence class."

Bec's eyes narrowed. "Great, so I'll be the reason why your BJJ buddies don't get their 'roll-time.'

Ryan laughed, which fanned Bec's anger – and her determination. "Fine! I'll go, but don't ask me again." A look of victory appeared on Ryan's face and she wanted to kiss him, but her pride wouldn't allow it.

He bent over, unzipped his gym bag, and pulled out a present about the size of a kid's picture book. "Here, this is for you."

Bec's anger drained away and was replaced by excitement. She slipped her thumb nail under the tape and carefully unwrapped the gift. The paper crinkled as she slid a photo frame out of the wrap. It was made of a fine red-wine coloured timber that was heavier than it looked.

Ryan said, "It's for your magazine cover. Sorry it took so long. I had to order the timber from Perth."

He knew how to melt her heart. She had to give Ryan that. "Come here," she said and they embraced lovingly.

Thirty minutes later, Bec was standing on the mats at Tony's MMA Gym. Saturday evening was a busy time and the gym was packed full with people. Photos of well-known MMA fighters lined the wall and there were a few of Tony from his competition days, too. Bec watched as Tony demonstrated how to escape an attacker who grabs you from behind.

Ryan was acting as the attacker. Tony narrated the moves as he went. "The key thing is to react quickly. If you let your attacker get a good grip, it's too late."

Bec felt that this was a waste of time for her and this comment cemented it. There was no way she would be fast enough, or strong enough, to get out of an attack like that. To make matter worse, she was partnered up with Angela.

The demonstration started. Ryan stood behind Tony, then grabbed him from behind, slipping his arm around Tony's neck and trying to pull backwards.

"As soon as you feel someone is there, drop your weight and rotate your whole body towards them, like this."

Tony dropped, like he was doing a squat. At the same time, he spun around, so his face was level with Ryan's navel. "From here, punch or kick the attacker in the groin. Push your hand into his or her face. You want to try to get'em in the eyes."

Tony demonstrated on Ryan, who stepped backwards. Bec chuckled quietly to herself.

Then it was time for Bec to practise. She partnered up with another woman, Angela, who seemed to have forgotten their past rivalry over Ryan. At first, Bec felt uncomfortable being the attacker. Tony walked up to her and said, "You can be a bit stronger, otherwise Angela won't get good practise."

The next time, Bec went a bit faster and a bit stronger. Angela emitted a half-choke, half—cough sound and failed to get out of Bec's grip. Eventually, Angela tapped on Bec's arm.

They swapped. Bec felt distinctly uncomfortable knowing Angela was behind her and about to grab her. She waited. Nothing. Then, bang. Angela hit hard and Bec was pushed forwards, then yanked back. Bec tried to escape, but couldn't. She coughed and spluttered untilAngela released her.

Tony walked up. "You gotta move faster. As soon as she grabs you. Or, stomp on her toe, then escape. She won't release you when you stomp on her toe, but it'll make her think of something else for a moment. Use that moment to escape."

Bec felt flustered. She couldn't do this. She was a photographer. She was supposed to take photos of the action, not be in the action.

Again, Angela grabbed her. Bec missed the first opportunity to escape, so she stomped on Angela's toe. "Ouch!" yelped Angela. Bec dropped her weight, swivelled, pushed Angela in the stomach, and she stumbled back.

Tony was grinning. "That'll do, Bec. That'll do the job."

Bec could barely suppress a grin of satisfaction and she began to understand why Ryan liked BJJ so much.

The lesson lasted another forty-five minutes and they covered some other escapes from common attacks. By the end of it, Bec was lathered in sweat and breathing heavily, but she felt light and a bit more confident in herself.

As Ryan drove back to Bec's flat, they held hands. It was gentle and intimate. They had been through the same experience tonight and they didn't need words. The physical contact was enough.

When Ryan pulled up, Bec said, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

"I know."

Bec was physically tired. It wasn't fatigue. More like a feeling of contentment. She wanted Ryan tonight. "Stay tonight?"

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