Chapter 4

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Ryan was fretting over his granite kitchen counter-top late Friday afternoon. He had on an old pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. He had his level and tape-measure out and wore a worried look on his face. He just wasn't strong enough to get his counter-top from his truck to the kitchen. He cursed under his breath when there was a solid knock on the door. It was Mark.

"Hey man. Ready to get some beers down-range?"

Ryan closed his eyes a moment while he got his frustration under control. He replied, "Can't tonight. I'm working on the kitchen."

Barging his way inside, Mark went for the fridge and before Ryan could stop him, Mark already had the fridge door open and his head inside. Shortly, there was a crack-fizz as Mark opened a beer. "Here," said Mark as he handed a beer to Ryan.

Ryan took the beer with reluctance. Mark clinked his beer against Ryan's, "Here's cheers to bachelorhood. After this one, we'll go to the Black Rock."

Ryan clenched his fist and replied, "I'm almost done with kitchen. I can't leave it like this."

"You're right about that. Looks like you screwed this one up. Better have another drink."

Ryan walked outside. The cool air was refreshing and the glow of the evening sun gave the world soft glow. Ryan said, "Help me get this granite counter-top in and I'll go out."


Ryan gestured with his hand through to the back of the house and the two men walked through to the backyard, where Ryan's old F-150 was backed up to the rear door. In the tray of the truck was an a-frame with a granite counter-top secured firmly to it. Mark's face dropped when he saw the slab of stone. Some cockatoos cackled loudly as Ryan hoisted himself into the tray of the truck. Mark said, "How long is this going to take? I've arranged to meet some girls tonight."

That stopped Ryan for a moment in the back of the truck. He had thought about getting back into the dating game but seemed to busy. Mark must of noticed Ryan's unease because he shook his head and said, "You've got to get back into the dating game. You're good to go. And while we're talking about it, time for a new vehicle, don't you think?" Mark had a cheeky smile on his lips.

"I just got her run-in."

Stepping up to take hold of the counter-top, Mark said, "Oh hell. You had to get granite. Couldn't you have picked something more lightweight?"

"Use some math. Now grab a hold of those handles. It's just like moving a glass pane except a bit heavier."

Ryan heaved and when the granite top slid out of the truck and Mark started panting like someone had punched him in the guts. They got the counter-top halfway out of the truck. "Hang on!" Said Ryan and he jumped down to the ground to help Mark. Ryan felt strong and it felt good. After Tammy left, he had stopped working out and stopped the renovations to the house.

At first, Ryan had been in denial – he had been certain that Tammy would come back after a month or two. Three months slipped by and she hadn't shown up.

Thanks to friends like Mark, Jerry, and Jenny, he gradually got himself back on track. First, he returned to the renovations, then Jerry persuaded him to try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - and he loved it. Working out soon followed. Now Ryan was as fit and strong as ever, perhaps even stronger, since BJJ encouraged him to put on a bit more bulk.

Ryan and Mark shuffled sideways with the countertop between them. They carried it vertically so as not to risk cracking the stone.

They sidled through the house doors like two crabs carrying a heavy rock. In the kitchen, Ryan said, "On three, we lift it onto the counter. Ready?"

"No! Not ready," panted Mark. "Damn it, I'm slipping."

"Don't slip!"

The granite top slapped down on the bare kitchen counter and Ryan smiled. Mark put his hands on his hips and bent backwards, arching his back. "You owe me a drink."

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