Chapter 30

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"And after that, hit print," said Bec, as Adam Lee sat next to her in Paul's Photography Studio. They were crammed among computers, printers, and stacks of photos in the back room, where all the editing, printing, and framing was done.

Friday and Adam was at Paul's Photography Studio. He was working out well as a part-time trainee. He was smart, hard-working, and asked a lot of good questions. He already knew his way around Photoshop and he begun assisting in studio shoots. Bec had put him to work on the school photos. She was determined to make waves by getting the photos done in record time. As he worked through the photos, Adam shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

He asked, "Miss Williams, did you ever feel like you couldn't tell your parents something?"

"I keep telling you to call me Bec, or Rebecca. And yes. I fought a lot with my parents when I was your age. It's a pretty normal thing to go through." Bec smiled. Her eyes wandered to the clock. "Shit, I've gotta go. Adam, can you package those prints after they come out?" Adam said he would and Bec rushed off to get ready for dinner with Ryan.

Sweat beaded on Ryan's forehead as he stirred the peppercorn sauce. Two steaks were resting on a chopping board and the vegetables were nearly done roasting when there was a knock at the door.

"Just a minute!" Ryan moved the sauce off the heat, wiped his hands with a towel and went to the knock.

"Wow! You look great. Come in," said Ryan as he held the door open for Bec.

She walked through to the open kitchen – dining area and took a seat at the table. "Smells good! What are we having?"

"Steak, peppercorn sauce, and roasted vegetables," said Ryan as he got back to stirring the sauce. "Help yourself to a glass of wine. Everything's on the table."

Bec had seen the wine as soon as she entered the room, but decided not to touch it until she started eating.

Instead, she hugged Ryan. "How is school going now that Tyler has been moved to a different class?"

"A mix of feelings. In one sense, I should have been able to get through to him. You know, I feel bad saying it. Teachers are supposed to teach all their students, but things are much better with him out of my class." He bent down to the oven and pulled out the vegetables. He poked at them with a fork. "They'll do," he said. "Now go and sit down. You're my guest tonight." Ryan watched as Bec went back to the table. There was a little sway in her walk and Ryan found it appealing.

"Dinner is served!" Ryan announced. He put the plates down on the table with a gentle clack. The vegetables and spices had a wonderful aroma that filled the room with anticipation.

Ryan poured two glasses of red. Bec and Ryan clinked glasses and held eye contact as they drank, and he couldn't look away.

Bec's fork pierced the steak and juice flowed out. "How did you know I liked medium-rare?"

Ryan simply grinned. Bec put the steak in her mouth. It was delicious and the peppercorn sauce was the perfect complement to it. She tried the roast vegetables. Crisp on the outside and soft inside. "You've done a wonderful job, Ryan."

"Thanks. I think good food is important. In this age of rushing here and there, we've lost something – as a society I mean."

Bec raised her glass. "To good food!" Ryan joined her in the toast and they drained their glasses.

The time slipped by in easy conversation. When Bec finished the last roast potato, Ryan announced, "Dessert!" He went to the kitchen and returned with a sticky-date pudding. The sweet smell was divine and Ryan could have done anything to Bec in that moment. She was in heaven. Bec's spoon broke the crust of the pudding and the sweet sauce enveloped it. She lifted the spoon to her mouth and closed her eyes. It tasted as good as it looked. Her senses became alive as her mind relaxed.

Ryan watched her with pleasure. He was glad his cooking had turned out well. A dribble of sweet sauce found its way onto Bec's chin. She raised her eyebrows in surprise and wiped it with her little finger.

"I'll clean these plates up," said Ryan. He stood and stacked the dishes. In the kitchen, Ryan ran hot water over the plates and stacked the dishwasher. He wanted to kiss Bec, to hold her, and he was aware of presence as she came into the kitchen carrying the salt and pepper. She slid her hand across his lower back and Ryan wondered if now was the time to make a move. Be confident Ryan!

Bec stood close to Ryan with one hand on the small of his back and the other holding salt and pepper shakers. She put the shakers down and felt the need for physical intimacy. Slipping between Ryan and the sink, she thought there would be no-way Ryan could misinterpret her intention. She was not wrong.

Ryan kissed her gently at first, then more passionately. She felt herself respond and he embraced her tightly. She felt protected, safe, and desire washed over her. She pulled at Ryan's shirt while his hands swept over her chin, neck, then reached down. She ripped Ryan's shirt off and over his head, leaving him in a tight undershirt that showed his lean physique. Ryan's hands caressed her and she fumbled with Ryan's belt. It came loose and his jeans fell to the floor. The belt buckle clattered on the wooden floor.

In a fit of passion, Bec pushed Ryan against the kitchen counter, kncking over some glasses that stood waiting to be washed. They splintered on the floor and Ryan said, "Don't stop. I don't care about the glasses. He lifted her in his arms and stepped over the shards of glass, carrying her to the bedroom.

When she landed on the bed, the coolness of the dooner sent an electric shiver through her body. Ryan collapsed into her and she welcomed him in a thirst for intimacy.

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