Chapter 38

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Ryan arrived home just after six o'clock and the sky in the west was streaked with orange sun light reflecting off the high cloud. He was glad Bec was home already – he wanted to hear what happened at the police station. He walked into the kitchen and he could smell a Thai curry and his stomach grumbled.

Bec smiled and said, "Is everything okay? You look exhausted."

Ryan walked into the kitchen, put his arms around her waist and kissed her gently on the cheek. "It was a tough day. Sorry I'm late home."

"What happened?"

Ryan poured himself a glass of water, sculled it, then said, "Just a student problem. A good student having a rough time. What happened with you yesterday?"

"Pass me the plates," said Bec. She dished up a beautiful Thai green curry and Jasmine rice. They sat at the table and ate.

"Mmm, Bec, this is good. Just what I needed. Now are you going to tell me about yesterday?"

"You first. Tell me what's got you so down."

Ryan kept eating. Between spoonful's he said, "I can't really say much. Student confidentiality."

Bec put her spoon down and clinked loudly on the edge of the plate. She said, "Like doctor – patient confidentiality? Really?"

Ryan detected a hint of sarcasm in her voice and he was stung by it. "I take my job seriously. A lot of people don't take young people seriously. They should."

Bec's posture became more erect. She said, "I take young people seriously."

Now Ryan put his spoon down. Gently. "I didn't mean you. I just meant..."

"I know what you meant."

"Listen, Bec. You can't expect me to tell you everything. Some of this stuff is serious for students and you know some of them. It wouldn't be right for me to gossip."

"So, I'm a gossip now?"

Ryan shook his head. "No. Look, did yesterday go badly? Did Phil try to contact you or something?"

Bec crossed her arms and levelled her gaze at him. She said, "I just thought we were getting close. I confided in you. I thought you might confide in me. And keeping teenagers' secrets doesn't usually help them."

Ryan felt defensive now. He felt the urge to bite back. He said, "Confide in me? I waited in agony for you to tell me about yesterday. But you've kept me waiting. I'm worried as hell!"

"Don't bring that up. That's different. I needed to tell Jen first. She's family..." Ryan knew he should stop. He was crossing a line, but his urge to hit back clouded his mind. He cut Bec off and said, "And I'm what? Your recovery guy?"

As soon as the words tumbled out, Ryan knew he had hurt Bec. For an instant, she looked deflated. Then she stood, tall and strong. She strode out to the living room and sat down on the sofa. She turned on the television and crossed her legs.

Ryan cleaned up in the kitchen. After he was done, he said, "Look I'm sorry. That wasn't a helpful thing to say. I'll drive you home if you want."

No reply.

"Well, I'll be out in the workshop." And with that he went out in the cool spring night.

After an hour of mindless television, Bec's anger faded. Men were such jerks!

Then again, she had pushed him when he didn't want to talk about school. Damn it. Bec went to the fridge and took out an ice-cream. She sucked on it noisily. Outside, a light shone from the window of Ryan's workshop. She finished the ice-cream, put on her coat and hat, then went outside.

Ryan felt a cool draft of air on the back of his neck as the workshop door opened then closed. He turned and saw Bec standing behind him.

He put down his sandpaper and opened his arms, palms out. "Look, I'm sorry about before. I shot my mouth off without thinking."

Bec's face was stony. Ryan couldn't tell what she was thinking. She took a step forward and said, "I was angry. A lot has happened this past week.

"I guess I need to learn to trust you more." She rubbed her eyes with her hand and continued, "I finally feel part of life here. My sister, you. Everyone has been so supportive. Then Adam Lee confided in me at the studio." She flapped her hands by her side, searching for words.

Ryan interjected, "Wait. Adam said something to you? Adam is the one I'm worried about."

Understanding dawned on both of them at the same time. Ryan said, "He's going to need support. I know his parents. They're conservative."

Stepping forward, Bec embraced Ryan. She snuggled her head into his chest and Ryan stroked her hair lovingly. He could think of no better feeling in the world.

"Let's go back into the house. We need to celebrate," Ryan said.

Bec looked at him quizzically.

Ryan added, "We just had our first fight and made up. This is a landmark occasion." Bec pinched him on the shoulder and lead the way out of the workshop and up to the house.

Inside the house, Bec pulled Ryan by the hand towards the bedroom. Ryan stopped. "Tell me about yesterday. I need to know everything's okay."

"I got a restraining order against Phil. Also, charges were laid against him for the Flat Rock Cafe. I think I'm finally done with him."

Ryan embraced her fully. "That must have been tough to go through. I'm proud of you." They kissed and Bec lead Ryan into the bedroom. As they went, they pulled off their clothes. By the time they hit the sheets, they were naked and entangled in each other's kisses and embraces. Bec gave herself wholly to Ryan. She felt love, safety, and excitement all at the same time. Was this what real love is supposed to feel like? Exhausted and content, they lay like kittens snuggled in a shoe box. Bec felt a strange sense of ease and serenity. She rolled over to look at Ryan. His eyes opened and he met her gaze. The world was in that gaze. She closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber. 

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