Help Me

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Jisoo POV

Op-oppa. I need you. I'm scared.

Shit! Where is that girl! Find her! Jisoo heard someone shouted. Please go away. What do you want with me and V? Who are they?

Jinyoung! This door is locked!! I think she's in here!! Oh no. Well don't stand there! Kicked the door!! Shouted Jinyoung.

Yeah I know. Then Jisoo freeze as she heard footsteps came in. V help me.

The fuck are you guys doing!! Arghh!!!


Yah Jungkook!! Teleport us to Jisoo home! V said. I can't. We are too many and I just been to Jisoo home once!! How could I go there if I didn't even remember a single thing!! Said Jungkook calmly.

Okay. Now look at me said V. Jungkook looked at V while the other stand beside them. Okay I want you to get in my head.

Uh wh- waaa!!


Teleport us now kookie said Suga. Oh yeah. Everyone hold their hand together and


Jungkook- I said -inside her home - not on top-- of the--  ROOF!! Shouted V. Meh it's the same replied Jungkook. They went inside through the window.

Kookie and Jhope hyung check the kitchen. Jin hyung and Rapmon hyung go check at the living room. Jimin, Suga and me going to check at our room.

All of them separate to find Jisoo. The fuck are you guys doing!! Arghh!! V quickly jumped but it's too late.

They already gone with Jisoo crying in pain. Jisoo!!! Then a piece of paper flying in front of V. He quickly took the paper and read it.

Want Jisoo? Came to my kingdom and or I kill her. Meh I will kill her anyway. Enjoy

Those wolves make me angry. Kookie teleport us there. Sorry V hyung but I can't. They have some weird protection around the castle. Vampire can't go through it. Then teleport us infront of the castle.


The war just began my dear!! Hahaha!! I know that voice belongs to who. It's the evil queen. Queen Kaira Jinyoung sister. She killed her mother and just poisoned her father.

You!! Let Jisoo go!! She didn't know anything!!

Aww V you're getting more handsome. I don't know but will you be my king. You look so sexy said Kaira.

I want Jisoo!! Can you just give me her! Aish you piece of shit mumble V. I will let her but in one condition.

What you moron? Asked V

Ha! Of course I want you. Be mine and I let Jisoo go. What the fuck are you thinking! V shouted. Just give me Jisoo you damn fucking wolf.

Awww V. You know me. Now surrender or I KILL THE GIRL!! Then they saw Jisoo being thrown by a man.

She has bruises everywhere. Her knee bleeding same as her lips. Her eyes we swollen. Her cheeks,arms and legs covered with purple bruises.


I h-hate yo-u Ta-taeh-yung Jisoo shuttered. V now I want your answer. Surrender or this girl will die said Kaira pushing Jisoo hair harshly.


I- choose

See ya at the next chapter tho😀

When Vampire Live With Me(Vsoo FF)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin