Chapter 48

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5 months later...

The Wedding

Hailey's POV

December 08, today is finally my wedding day. I guess I shouldn't say finally because we actually put this wedding together in only 5 months.

My mom and Zach's mom helped plan the entire thing, helping me with the cake, invitations, reception. Oh and guess where our wedding will be held.. Nope not in a church instead it'll be in an open area where trees and grasses are all you can see and the smell of fresh air! The reception will follow right after the wedding so yup same place. The guests and entourages will be sitting in their assigned table and seats, foods will be serve right after the wedding. And you got to love our custom made, 8ft tall, Red Velvet flavored wedding cake. I'm kinda guilty that our wedding costs around $2.6 million dollars! *gulp* But my mom said, 'weddings only happen once so make the best out of it' so just let the guilt go.

And of course since I don't have a sister, Tori will be my maid of honor. And escorting Tori would be River, and James. Zach wanted the both of them to be his best men and I agreed. I see nothing's wrong having two best men right?

My parents' offered that all entourage and other principal participants will be preparing theirselves in our Empire State Hotel, of course charges will be charged to my parents. Tori, my friends, Zach, his friends, my parents and my in-laws are all in their own hotel room. Of course I'm in my own hotel room too.

My make up and hair will be styled by Michael Fioré, one of the best make up artist in the country. I requested to Michael that I would like my hair to look exactly the same as Taylor Swift's in her Love Story music video, and he did yey! I love my make up, Michael really made me feel like a princess. My hair matched with my wedding gown, the gown's style is similar to Taylor Swift's Love story white gown. (I'm a big fan of Taylor!) Except mine's didn't copy the middle yellow design of her dress instead mine's covered with white crystals and diamonds. And my back's covered with sheer that means my backside is exposed leaving only crystals buttons down my spine to hold my gown. I love how flowy it looks making me feel comfortable.

As soon as my hair and make up are finished, Michael's assistants helped me changed into my wedding gown. I looked up the full-length mirror and I looked perfect! The gown fits me perfectly, exposing my curves and cleavage. I slid into my crystal-covered Louboutin heels and take another look at myself, speechless.

Then there's a knock on my door, "OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU LOOK LIKE A BARBIE DOLL!" Tori stormed in.

"You look like a goddess, Tori." I giggled. She really look like a goddess in her long-sleeved and fitted silver-gray long gown

"You both are gorgeous!" Claire barged in the room. Tori stepped aside and smiled. "Baby girl look at you, all grown up." Claire sobbed.

"Mom your make up will be ruined if you continue being so emotional. I'm just changing my last name, nothing will change okay?" I said.

"She's right aunt Claire." Tori giggled.

"Right." She laughed. "Wait I have something for you." Claire pull out a box.

"Mom you don't have to." I responded. "Take it, this is your grandmother's, she passed it to me and now this is yours." Claire explained, and I gasped and accept.

Inside the box was a heavy silver hair comb. Diamonds were clustered into intricate floral shapes atop the teeth. It was beautiful! I gave Michael the comb and he put it on top of my veil. The only jewelry I had on is the Z necklace Zach gave me on our first anniversary. Now I look like a real princess in my dream.

"It's time." Lucy came yelling in excitement. "You look absolutely stunning my dear!"

"Thank you mother." Yup after the engagement she asked me a favor that I'll start calling her mother. Omg its time!!

We went down to the hotel lobby and there were so many photographers and press outside! Thankfully, my dad had arranged security guards all over the place to block the photographers except our private photographers. Then I hurriedly slid into the white limo with Tori beside me, then off we go to the venue where everyone's waiting.

"We're here!" Tori squealed.

"Oh fuck!" My stomach clench with nerves and my legs felt shaky.

"Hey, don't freak! It'll be one awesome wedding!" Tori winked at me and I sigh in relief

We got out of the limo and we're only few meters away from the venue.

"Here you go." Tori handed me a bouquet of white peonies mixed with light-pink peonies.

"Ready to go?" My mom snapped me out and I just nodded.

"Hey girl! It's going to be magical, don't worry." Tori said softly and I smiled in reply.

"I'm ready." I inhaled a big air and smiled as my mom and Tori nodded in excitement.

"My princess, you look beautiful." My dad whispered while his hand is on my arm. "Now relax, you'll do great! I know that because you're my daughter."

"Thanks dad." I feel like crying.

"Okay, let's go." My in-laws said. And I just nodded.

While we were walking down the venue, I was distracted by the profusion of white and peach blossoms that hung in garlands from everything in the place. Dripping with long lines of white and peach gossamers ribbon but I tore my eye from the bowery canopy searched tables to other tables.. until I found him, standing before an arch overflowing with more flowers.

I caught the sight of Zach staring at me with a wide smile on his face, that made my heart beats so fast. Zach, he looks entirely too handsome in his tuxedo. I didn't hear the orchestra playing, or the sounds of the guests whispering and awing over my appearance, all I can hear is my heartbeat beating so fast.

Seeing him standing there waiting anxiously for me I felt a small weight lifted off my shoulders. Henry and I finally reached the altar.

My father leaned down and gave me a kissed on my cheek grinning at me before handing me to Zach. "Take care of my princess."

"Oh I will dad, I promise." Zach said.

I handed Tori my bouquet before holding onto Zach's arm.

The ceremony ended so quickly but long enough for me to almost cry from the vows we exchanged. The way he looked at me with those love-filled eyes almost knocked me down and the rings we had..two diamonds matching rings.

"I here now pronounce you, husband and wife." The priest said. "You may now kiss the bride." He continued. Zach wasted not a second before his hands cupped on my face and he kissed me passionately as the mass of people behind us started cheering whistling at us.

"I love you so fucking much." He said seductively.

"I love you so fucking much too." I grinned.

Then the host announced, "Mr. And Mrs. Anderson everyone" Then everyone stood up from their seats and clapped for us, some even howled. "It's party time!" The host added.

Then I took a glimpse of the sunset, it was perfect, everything's perfect! Then I notice the place became more magical as lights are always on the trees and everywhere were on and it gives the place a big spark. It.... was *speechless*

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