Chapter 15

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Hailey's POV

"We're here." He said dashingly. He opened the door for me and escorted me inside the bar. I hold his arm tight cos' I don't want any drunk weirdo to get near me. I look at Zach and noticed him smirking back as I blushed.

As we went inside the bar, the sound of loud pumping music filled my body like a live electrical current. 'I can do this' I repeatedly told myself as I desperately tried to calm down my nervousness. It was packed as most clubs were but not in the same way at all. There were shirtless men and sexy girls dancing and grinding in every direction I looked. I actually felt fully-clothed, even though only moments ago I felt like a half-naked tart. It shocked me so much that it had even managed to sob me a little.

"Hello there, sexy! Want to come and have fun with me?" I quickly grab a hold of Zach and stayed as close as possible to him. I ignored the crazy drunk dude. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." His deep voice whispered in my ear. Giving him a quick nod, I just kept a hold of his hand and followed him up to what looked to be the VIP lounge.

A security guard guided us over the table, however I just keep myself glued to Zach. Don't get me wrong I was 'no' virgin but this was not my sort of scene. Damn, I was way out of my comfort zone here!  After few seconds, we arrived in front of a table and I saw Tori, River and James.

"Now this is a surprise!" Tori smirked staring at me and Zach.

"What?" I asked feeling clueless.

"Oh nothing, what do you call a boy and girl holding hands?" Tori laughed her ass off.

What? Oh right! I quickly pull my hands away from his. I blushed like a tomato! Damn it. I was holding his hand because I was scared of drunk dudes out there. Then I quickly looked away from Zach. "I uh-" then Tori interrupted me "Stop explaining, come here sweetie! You look gorgeous!"

"Come here too, sweetie!" James pointing out to Zach. And Zach smirk and give James the middle finger.

The boys drink and drink, their tolerance in alcohol are strong. They're not even drunk after three bottles of vodka. "Don't be a loser, Hail! Drink" Tori snapped me out as she handed a drink. I don't usually drink, I'm not used to this. It's been a year since I remembered I was drunk. "I guess a sip won't hurt." I take the glass Tori handed to me.

"Sip? Come on! Drink the whole glass! Or else I won't allow you to go home." James teased.

"Fine this will be the last round of me drinking." I said then as I was about to finish the whole glass. "I got you." Zach told me as he gave me a wink. I felt my face blushing again.

I can see River flirting with Tori, but I remembered Tori saying she likes Nathan. Tsk, who's the one Tori? Then the drunk Tori turn towards me "Come on, another" Tori poured another drink in my glass. "Tori, I wo-" before even to finish talking she grabs the glass and pour it in my mouth.

*Cough cough* "Tori! You're insane." I roared. I can feel my head's spinning. I'm feeling dizzy, and obviously this the effect of the drink. "I'm just going to the bathro-" as I was about to fall to the ground, I felt an arm wrapping around my waist. It was Zach who catches me!

"Hold on there, babe." Zach winked at me. Babe? But that felt good him calling me babe. Wait what? I am not falling for him! I'm not in myself right now, damn it.

"I guess we'll leave you two alone." She smirked. "Come on River let's dance!" She added as she pull River out of the room. "That goes for me too, I'll just look for some fun outside. Later, lovebirds!" As James thundered out and gave us a wink.

Zach's POV

They all left us in the room that leave me and Hailey all alone. Speaking of Hailey she's still around my arm. Her body's so soft and smooth. I glared at her beautiful face, I can feel myself loosing control. If only I don't care and respect her, I've already ripped her dress off. I really like her.

"Get off!" She said, I think she's drunk.

"You're drunk." I said while helping her to settle down in the couch.

"Mr Anderson, what are you doing to me?" She blasted. "Hmph why can't you just leave me alone?" Then she pushes me away. "What are you talking about?" I asked even though I know she's tipsy.

She's so hot when she's drunk.

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