Chapter 34

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Hailey's POV

"Ma'am Claire and Sir Henry, welcome home!" Sonia yelled.

Eeep! They're here! "Mommy, daddy!" I shouted while running down the stairway.

"Princess!" My dad reached out and hugged me as I hugged back. "I miss you , dad!" I squealed. "I miss you more, my princess!" He said.

"So my little girl only misses her father, then why am I still here?" My mom being dramatic as always, oh how I miss her!

"Mommy! Of course, who wouldn't miss the queen?" I turned to mom and hugged her real tight like she's a stuff toy.

"I miss you too, darling!" My mom responded.

Then as I remove my arms from my mom's shoulder, I stood there seeing my parents happy and in love. They're like my 'relationship goals', I've been a 'Claienry' fan since birth. Lol I made that one up! I'm so happy for them despite all their accomplishments and success, they still didn't stop caring and loving each other.

My mom, classy as always. She's wearing a custom-made black and white Valentino dress with a matching black Valentino heels, yup she's a fan of Valentino. And dad, handsome as always. He's wearing a Louis Vuitton suit and with his matching black Prada shoes. I know now where I got my taste of fashion!

"Maam, Sir. The Andersons are here." Sonia approached us.

Omg they're finally here! "Perfect! Let's go honey." My mom reached for my hand.

"Mom." I stopped her. "Uh just don't be so hard on him." I said. "Honey, trust us." She just gives me a grin.

"If it isn't the brains behind all their success. Pleasant evening Lucy, George." My mom welcomed them and gave Lucy a cheek-to-cheek, while my dad shook the hand of George and said, "We hope we didn't disturb you."

"Oh the pleasures ours, Claire. Good evening to you both." Lucy said softly. "Of course not, Henry." George said.

"This must be your son, Zachary Anderson. You raised a fine young man, Lucy." Claire chuckled while looking at Zach.

"Aren't you the same? Hailey's one gorgeous lady." Lucy chortled.

"Good evening, Mr and Mrs Westwood." Zach greeted politely. It's funny how he's being all polite.

"Please just call us Aunt Claire and Uncle Henry." My mom smiles sweetly.

Zach and I just stared at each others' eyes. Fingers-crossed this dinner will turn out okay.

"I believe we're done with the introduction. Come inside Lucy, George." Henry smirked.

"Yes yes, sorry for keeping you standing Lucy. Come in, come in." Then Claire welcome the Andersons with open arms.

Then we head to our dining area, "I hope you guys are okay with the food, there are also appetizers, and good wine." My mom said sweetly.

"Of course, you never failed to impress people with your food." George being honest.

While eating our supper, "So how long have you been dating my daughter?" Claire asked nicely. "It's been eight months already, aunt Claire." Zach replied.

"So what do you think of my daughter? I hope she's not the cause of your headache." My dad joined in and joked. "Dad..." I groaned.

Zach laughed, "No uncle, no headaches."

"That's good to hear. Zach I'm not pressuring you or what but please take good care of my daughter, you know that she's my only princess." My dad said to him with a smile while I turned to my dad to give him my sweetest smile.

"Yes uncle. I will, she's a very special girl indeed." Zach smiled. How sweet of him!

"How exciting! We're going to be a one big happy 'family'." Lucy squealed. Wait what? Family?

"Family?" I said. Then all of them turned to me. Awkward, please stop staring people! It's rude.

"Yes, family, honey." My mom laughed.

"But that will happen after the both of you graduate, of course." George joined and laughed.

"Of course dad, I know my limits." Zach turned to me as I blushed like a tomato!

Everyone in the room laughed except me, how embarrassing. Damn you Zachary.

"So how's business Henry? Everything's okay with the bank and hotel, of course you handled business very well." George finally changed the topic, thank you uncle!

"You're too kind George. I believe your Airline and Mall are just as excellent." My dad being humble as always.

"While the both of them talk about business, let's have our 'talks' too Claire." Lucy teased. "Ah yes of course." My mom smiled

Zach gave me a wink and I just replied with a smile. I guess this dinner turned out more than what I hope it will.

The dinner finished, "Zach I trust my daughter in your hands." My mom turned to Zach before they leave.

"Thank you Aunt Claire, I won't let you down." Zach nodded.

"Hailey! Just don't bring trouble to Zach, okay?" My mom then snapped me out.

"Mom! Who side are you on?" I frowned and then Zach laughed. "I just hope you guys will never stop loving each other. You guys really make a great pair, sweetheart." My mom smirked and again I blushed.

"Bye Lucy, bye George! I had a great time, I hope you did, Lucy." Claire sweetly said.

"We did, thank you Claire, Henry. And I'm sure this won't be the last." Lucy teased.

"Bye Zach." I whispered. "Bye babe." He whispered back.

They left, finally and when I turned around. "What is it?" I asked my parents who's staring at me. "Princess, Zach have my approval on dating you." My dad smiled. "You have mine too darling, he seems very nice and honest." My mom added. Then I hugged them both very tight and whispered, "Thank you daddy, mommy. See... I told you I have a good taste in everything."

"Sweetie, me and daddy will now go to bed. We haven't rested since our flight." My mom yawned. "Of course mom, goodnight daddy mommy, sweet dreams!" I chuckled.

*Beep beep*

Hey babe! 😬 My parents and I had a great time, thanks! 😘 They really like you, they kept saying they wanted you to be their 'future daughter-in-law', you know. 😏😍 I hope I impressed your parents...😞 I love you so much babe! Goodnight ❤️

Future daughter-in-law, seriously? But awe thanks! I'm very grateful that they appreciated me.

We had a great time, also! 😉 You amazed them, so don't you worry. ☺️ You did great babe and the heck we're still very young to think that far. 😂 I love you too babe! Goodnight! 😘💕

Okay I'll call it a night! Tonight was tiring but the efforts paid it off. Thank God!

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