Chapter 16

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Zach's POV

"Do you like me?" She asked straightly. Wow she's so straightforward when she's drunk. What do I say? I don't want to scare her but if I don't say anything then she'll think I don't.

"Forget it. No one will ever like me." She blurted out. "Hailey, I-" I was talking then was interrupted by her. "You wanna know why?" She said then I nodded. "Because all of them! They knew I am the the only heiress to my parents' fortune."

So that's what all her past flings want from her? Money? Seriously, how pathetic is that. "...and of course sex." She blurted out. I paused at the moment she mentioned sex. So that's why she's acting like this, she's being paranoid. I can't blame her though, most of the boys these days are mostly all about sex. And yes, I admit I'm one of them, but she has changed me.

"You really don't know what's on my mind, huh, let me clear it to you. You're drunk and by tomorrow you probably won't remember a single word I will say now." I carefully pat her head on my shoulders and my arm sliding on her waist, as I continue "Well, a girl like you shouldn't be treated like that. One thing about you that I know and they don't is, you're different from other girls. Even though sometimes you can be grumpy and stubborn but I still like that side of you. I think that's the cutest thing in you.. I liked the most." I chuckled softly. Then I notice she's hugging me, wrapping her hands around me. I love this moment and I hope it'll be like this forever.

"That was very... Sweet." she hiccuped and chortled.

Then she leaned close to my face as I stared back to her beautiful eyes. "Zachary you had changed me." That's all she said then turned away as she gets her glass and drink again. " Guys would just approach me and give me bouquet of flowers, box of chocolates and even expensive jewelries, and all I do to them in return is ignore them and give back their gifts... I thought after what happened to me year ago, it's not possible for me anymore to like someone... Then you came along and changed everything" she giggled. "But of course I won't fall for that easily...lesson learned." She added as she pointed her finger on me "So don't you dare play games with me Anderson."

I just stared at her with a surprised face. She liked me? But I can't assure that cos' she's drunk! I just wrapped her tighter to my body, and then she looked up to me with a stare. Her warm and soft hand slowly moving to my cheek. "Zach-" then she pressed her lips to mine. I moved my lips slowly as I made her move in synch with mine. Her lips were so gentle and soft that I lost my mind in them. I bit her lower lip making her gasp, and with a swift movement I showed my tongue in her mouth, she seemed to like that because she didn't try stop me.

Then suddenly someone banged inside, that make us stop. "Well, well, well what do we have here?" The drunken James smirked. Asshole. I rolled my eyes. "Where's River?" I asked. "I don't... know... Probably with Tori." He said as he stumbled to the couch.

As I turned around, I saw a sleeping Hailey on the couch. She must be exhausted, I guess it's time to bring her home. "Hey leaving so soon?" James yelled. "Yeah, Cinderella needs to go home" I said. "Okay take care! I'll just go find Tiffany to spend the night with" James replied as he left the room. I carried her out of the bar and helped her in the car. Then I drove her back to her house.

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