Chapter 23

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Hailey's POV

"I'm sorry." I'm feeling ashamed. I slowly move my hand to his cheek where Eric had punched him. "I'm sorry for.."

"Don't fucking say sorry cos' it's not your fucking fault." He look me in the eyes while putting his hand on mine. His eyes on me, I felt safe and protected. I wanted to stay in his arms forever, then his bruise snapped me out.

"I'll get you an ice." But before I can get up he pulled me back close to him. "No need, it's not painful anyway." He hugged me tight as I let him cos' I owe him after what happened a while ago.

"Get a room, you two." James smirked as Tori and River laughed.

"Ow" Zach groaned. "Are you okay?" I lift my head and look up to see his face in pain. "Let's go to the clinic." I said pulling him up. Then he obediently follows, we leaving the table that left Tori alone with River and James. I gave her the see-you-later-look and she just smirked.

-At the clinic-

I asked the nurse for an ice and she gave it to me. "Thank you." I said. I went to the room where Zach is currently sitting on the bed.

"I'm sorry." As I dab the ice gently to his cheek where the bruise is. "You didn't have to fight him, Zach" I told him and he huffs.

"Of course I did. No one is allowed to hurt you." He protests, and I sigh, shaking my head at him. "Ow!" He complains once I continue to dab his cheek. "Sorry" I apologized for the ninth time. "I'm almost done." He nods his head and I turn around to give the nurse back the ice, I turned back again to Zach. He smiles at me once I start to cleanse his face and I return it. "Thank you" I whisper once I finish cleaning his face and I stare at his beautiful blue eyes.

After a while he smiles and slowly forms onto his face. "Anytime." He speaks after a comfortable silence and we continue to stare into each other's eyes with a wide smile on our faces.

He slowly starts to lean in my breath hitches at my throat. I quickly stand up from my kneeled position and turned around. What was that? Omg we almost kiss! I feel my face very red. I quickly wash my hands and dry them off on my jeans, walking out of the room leaving him alone.

Then not so long he came out and "Let's grab something to eat. I'm starving." He said. "I'm getting hungry too, let's go." I'm really starving, I barely touched my food earlier lunch. I tugged him on the shoulder and we head out from the clinic. Then I paused, "What's wrong?" He asked. "Let's eat somewhere. I don't feel staying at school." I grinned feeling stupid. "Sure thing, but this time we'll use your car and you're driving." He responded. I just smiled and nodded.

We went to a fast food chain since it's the nearest from our school. "McDonalds, seriously?" He teases.

"Why? Don't tell me you're not used to eating this kind of food, your highness?" I giggled.

"Of course not! That goes for you too, I thought the heiress is not used to this restaurant." He said then I rolled my eyes.

As we went inside, I grab his hand "This is my treat, got that?" I raised my eyebrow. "Okay whatever that makes you happy." He grinned.

Then we found a place to seat then I asked, "What do you want to eat?" He answered "I'm having whatever you're having."

"Okay, okay. Wait here." I gave him a slight smile.

After minutes of waiting I finally got my orders. "Here you go, big Mac and fries for you." I smirked.

"You're having a big Mac too? Now that's a surprise, a girl having a big Mac as a snack." Zach teased.

"You done teasing?" He nodded with a smirk. "Good cos' I'm starving!" I finished.

While I'm eating my big Mac he keeps on staring, it annoys me you know. "Don't you know it's  rude to stare?"

"Sorry, I can't help not staring at you while you eat. The way you eat the burger makes the burger tastes even better." He laughed. Okay that was embarrassing. Is he trying to say that I look like a pig when I eat? Oops I'm turning red, this can't be.

"Whatever, I'm just hungry" Good save! I looked away.

"You're hungry all the times." He laughed softly.

"Excuse me, are you implying I'm a pig?" I looked seriously at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Yup but I like that side of you." He said. Wait did he just say he likes me? But he said the way I always gets hungry. So it's not directly to me? So he don't like me? Ugh he's so hard to read!

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