Chapter 05

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Hailey's POV

"Zach? Yes it's you! You're still handsome as always." Upon hearing this I looked up and saw a very pretty brunette girl standing beside Zach. She's tall and has a body of a super model. I wonder if she's one of Zach's ex-girlfriends. Well, I don't care if she's his ex-girlfriend or not.

"Samantha? What are you doing here?" Zach asked in a surprised tone. I pretended to look away so they won't notice me.

"I'm having lunch at the other table...alone. Care to join me? We have a lot of things to catch up" she said seductively to Zach. Great just great! Guess I'm having lunch alone... *Pfft*

"I can't, sorry Sam. I'm here with my girl. By the way, this is Hailey Westwood. And Hailey, this is Samantha Jones." Zach introduced us to one another. Is he nuts introducing me to his ex?

"You have a new girlfriend?" Samantha asked rudely. "You never introduce a girl before as your girlfriend." She added as she stares at me while her left eye brow raised. What's her problem? Geez! Wait, what! Girlfriend?! I am not Zachary's girlfriend!

I just look at her with a weak smile and she turned her attention to Zach again. "Just promise you'll meet me soon, okay?" She leaned closer to Zach for a kiss on his cheek but Zach quickly turned away. She immediately turn her head to me with a very serious and furious face and retreated.

"I'm sorry about that, Hailey. Ignore her like I do." Zach's clearly annoyed. And I just smiled back and nodded. I'm not jealous and why would I? I'm not your girlfriend!

"Just that? You're smiling?" He stared at me amusedly.

"Why? Should I be angry? It's not like this is a date or something." I informed with a matter-of-fact tone.

There was a pause but then he softened. "I'm just not used to that type of reaction, Westwood."

A waitress approached us, she greeted us and gave us menus and that's where I noticed, she's talking softly to Zach and giggling every time Zach gave his orders. Obviously she's flirting by the look of her actions.

Zach on the other hand is busy ordering, guess he really know the foods here. I wondered if he had any idea that the waitress is flirting with him. After he completed his orders the waitress winked at him and look at me with a sinister face. When she's finally gone, I began to chortle.

"What's so funny?" He questioned.

"Nothing, I just found it very entertaining." I answered with amusement.

"Why? Care to share?" Zach and his clueless face.

"I just find it hilarious that the waitress is hitting on you and you acted like it was nothing at all. She even winked at you." I finished.

He leaned at the table and looked at me. "You're not angry? Not even a bit?"

"Angry? Why? Its very entertaining." I giggled.

Now it's his turn to laugh. "Unbelievable, Hailey. Most of the girls would freak out every time Leah does that."

So that waitress has a name. I bet he's always here with his girls. What a maniac. Wait why is he reacting that way? Is he trying to make me jealous? Seriously, what is this in him? "Why would I freak out? I'm not even your girlfriend." I smirked.

"I know, I'm just surprised with your reaction. You're very interesting, Hailey." He said while grinning at me. My heart's beating fast. I just took a sip of water and ignore him.

Then our food finally arrived. God thank you! I'm starving. When the waiter revealed my meal I was shocked! Wait, vegetable salad? But I'm starving!

"Excuse me but I think there must be a misunderstanding here. I mean your salad looks yummy but can I have instead meatball pasta with french fries as side dish? Thank you." I looked to the waiter politely, I just don't want to be rude. Thank God he nodded courteously and left.

"You're ordering what?" He asked with a surprised tone.

"You heard me, pasta and fries, mister." I answered.

"A girl ditching salad over pasta and fries. Aren't you afraid you might get fat?" He teased.

Something about what he said made me feel anguish. What's his problem? "What's wrong with a girl eating pasta and fries? I'm freaking hungry! And FYI I believe my body's in perfect shape."

There was a paused moment until he laughed so loud. "Hey be quiet! Everyone's staring!" I snapped him out.

He then stopped, thank God. "You're actually fun to be with and...normal." He smirked.

Wait, what do you mean normal? Am I not normal to him? Geez. He's a creep. "Normal?" I questioned.

"Yeah normal. Girls I've dated before would allow theirselves to starve to death and keep on telling me they're fat. Try to impress me with their achievements and pretty talks. I hate those ostentatious girls. Unlike you, you don't give a damn what others might think of you. I like that attitude. I'm glad we had this dinner." He then look at me with his beautiful eyes.

I'm glad we had this dinner too.

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