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Just reporting in that a couple of fans have spotted a Colby look-a-like who says he is not the teen heartthrob star. Or is he? We all know that Colby Shaw would never deny his fans and would never not say who he was after all he loves the spot light. But we know better than that. The fan's say that the Colby doppleganger was with a girl of African-American descent and that seems a little fishy.

Maybe he's in some sort of trouble. What do you guys think? Tell me below.

Comments (590)

musicgurl3: You're right. He would never deny his fans but that still doesn't mean that the Colby doppleganger isn't him. I mean, Colby is missing and a couple of fans so happen to find Colby somewhere else.

amazinglyawesome @ musicgurl13: That's what I'm saying. Something isn't right.

Gdogruff10: y can't u guys just leave him alone. let the man breathe.

Mrs.ColbyShaw: Those girls are so lucky. I would've been able to tell the difference between the real or fake Colby. They aren't real fans if they don' t know. I love you Colby marrrry meee please!!!!!!!!

quarantineking: if that is him I see he's found himself another black girl to love on. how does this guy do it. im sure thats the colby you guys are all looking for. maybe it's just rehab cause he's a little crazy. justin beiber crazy.

beautynbrainz: but you guys didn't tell us where they saw him.

AngieB: Sounds a lot like Vampire Diares. There you guys go: Colby is a vampire.

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