Episode 56: the morning after

Start from the beginning

"What did I do?"

"Nothing good came out of it. The only thing that came out of it is hurt. Lots and lots of hurt." She said, trying to keep her tears in. "You don't know the hell I've been through these couple of months. You don't know my scars, you don't get to see it. How ugly it makes me feel inside. The proof is on me. How I failed miserably." 

He started shaking his head. An angry feeling rushed over him. "What are you talking about Amy? Yes, we've been hurt by all of this but that doesn't mean nothing good came out of it!" He sighed. "We all have our scars and... it makes us who we are today. Not 7 months ago, or 4 years ago. But today. At this very moment. This right here is us being strong and not giving up or giving into a certain fear." She shook her head. "I'm just so scared, Ricky." 

He moved forward to place his hands around her. To give her that one hug he had wanted to give her ever since.... ever since the very beginning. She leaned in and let her head rest on top of his shoulder. Silent sobs left her lips. "What do we do now?" She asked, pulling away. "You do nothing. You just go home and rest. Take every single day at a time. Not rush yourself into thinking about all of this." He sighed and took her hand. "We just have to wait it out and see what future Brayleigh has in front of her and hope for the best. That's all we can do right now." She nodded her head carefully. "I know." She looked around to absorb this one last time, the hospital that was her second home for quite some time now. "I will get your mom so we can finish packing and then we're out of here." He said, letting go of her hand. Turning around to walk out of that door. 

Amy stood up. Or she tried to. For the last couple of days, weeks even. Everyone had to help her up. She never had the strength to do it. But today, she wanted to do this on her own. Find her strength and get up. To keep going. She lifted the blanket up and carefully let her feet rest on the cold hospital floor. She then stood up holding the bedside. She felt a bit dizzy, since this was the first time standing up properly. It felt good to be on her feet, standing for a change. 'I need to get ready.' She thought. At that exact moment the door opened followed by a shocked looking Ricky and Anne. "Amy, are you okay?" He asked, making sure she felt comfortable standing up. She just nodded and continued to walk into the room's bathroom, alone. "I'm gonna change." Ricky nodded but kept his gaze on her until she closed her door for some privacy. Anne sighed heavily. "It's good she's on her feet. It really is!" Ricky nodded. "I know." Anne folded the last piece of clothing and packed in into the suitcase. "Let me get that." He said. Taking the two suitcases from Anne. "I'm just gonna put these in the car." Anne nodded and held open the door so he could easily get out. Anne sat herself down on the edge of the bed. Facing the bathroom door. "Amy, if you need any help just ask, okay?" She shouted a bit so she could hear. "Ok mom. But I'm fine. There's a stool here, I'm sitting down while changing." 


Several minutes later Ricky walked in the room followed by Doctor Worthly. 

Amy had just came out of the bathroom, supporting herself on the wall. "Hey, Amy. I can see you're standing. That's a progress." Doctor Worthly said. Amy nodded and forced herself a smile. She then sat down on a chair with the help of her mother. "So, you're free to go. The hospital discharged you." He said, rather excited. Amy nodded. "What about Brayleigh?" She then asked. "Brayleigh is still in a fragile position. We're still running tests. So far, she hasn't responded to some of our tests." He noticed Amy's odd and scared looking expression. "No worries, that's good. But we're still careful with her. Some tests we have to wait out a bit till she's stronger. As for her heart; it's still unclear." He said, disappointed. "What do you mean unclear?" Amy asked, once again. "We don't know for sure yet. And I don't want to talk about something we're not sure about yet. We'll have her results in less than two days." He said, nodding. 

"But can we see her frequently or not at all?" She asked, looking scared. 

"Of course. Only once a day for now and two people at the most." He sighed. "Starting off tomorrow." Amy looked down. And sighed. "Okay." 

"If that was it, you're free to go." He put his hand on her shoulder. "Good luck to you Amy Juergens." He said, smiling.



A/N: Hey guys. I will soon start the sequel to this story. I think there are still a couple of episodes left for this season. But the sequel 'The Secret Life Of The American Teenager - Moving On' will come out asap! So stay tuned & make sure to add that to your library (it's on my account. Just click on it & add it to ur library) to get notified when I start that story :) If people will enjoy that story as well, I might make it long like this season. If not, it won't be as long. But I promise you next season will be juicy. This season was about making mistakes. Overcoming fears. Overcoming mistakes & leaning forward. Next season is gonna be a lot more ;)

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