Episode 35: i told you so

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"Maybe it's time?"
"Time for what?" She said, looking down.
"Maybe it's time for us to be together again?"


-24 hours earlier.-

"So, should i get you something to eat?" Ricky asked.
Amy shook her head. "No, why do you ask?"
"Because." He sighed. "You look hungry!"
Amy turned her head towards him. She looked mad and tried to stay calm. "So, now you're saying that i'm fat?"
Ricky didn't know what to say. Everything he said seemed to be taken the wrong way. "No. I didn't say that!" He suddenly said.
Amy looked down. "But if you don't think i'm fat, why else did you ask me if i was hungry?"
"Jeez, Amy. Are you serious? I was just asking you if you were hungry, that's all!"
Amy sighed and rubbed her big pregnant belly.
"Okay, i'm sorry. I am cranky these days."
"Yeah, i noticed." He said, staring at her hazel brown eyes.
"Can we just pretend like we didn't have this discussion, please?" She asked.
Ricky nodded. "Already forgotten." He said, smiling.
"And honestly." She said, unsure. "I'm kind of hungry."
Ricky shook his head. "I thought so." He sighed. "Well, what do you want to eat?"
Amy looked up. "Anything!" She responded back.
"Let's just go to Geoff's. If that's okay with you?" He asked, carefully.

"I just want to thank you for taking me here and i also want to apologize for the way i acted this morning." Amy sighed and took a bite of her french fries. "It's just that i feel so pregnant and tired."
Ricky nodded. "I know. And you are being very... Cranky?!"
She laughed. "I'm sorry for that! I'm sure that once this baby is born i can finally be myself again!"
Ricky nodded and bit his lip. "So what are the plans exactly?" He asked.
Amy looked confused. "What do you mean?"
"What are the plans when our baby is born?" He asked, with a very insecure and unsure look in his eyes. An empty look. Not knowing what the future might bring.
"What about it?"
"Well, i just don't want to be just the father of our daughter. I want to be her dad!"
Amy looked with disbelief. "You are her dad! Just like you're John's!"
"Yeah, Amy. I know that i'm John's dad. But i wasn't mature enough to be his father when he was born. Sure, i took the responsibility as a father but i wasn't ready!"
Amy bit her lip. "So what you're saying is that you're ready now? I mean, to have a baby?"
Ricky nodded. "I still think that we are too young. I know that you're going to turn 19 in four months! And i just turned 20!" He sighed. "But we're still very young to have babies and stuff." Amy smiled. "But we had babies and stuff." She said, with a gentle voice.
"Honestly, what i'm just trying to say is that i'm glad that i had John with you and that we're having a daughter now! I'm greatful, even!"
Amy nodded. "I'm not going to say that i'm glad i had a baby at fiftheen and that i'm having a baby now at eighteen." She sighed. "But i still am greatful that i had this experience. Because of all of this i now me. And i know who i want to be!"
"And what's that?" He asked.
She looked down and smiled carefully. "A good mother!"
Ricky's look turned around. "But you are a good mother, Amy!" He said, truthfully.
Amy nodded. "Yes, i know i'm a good mom to my son. But that doesn't mean that i'm the best mom in the world you know?" She sighed. "It's just that this pregnancy is so different than when i was pregnant with John!"
"How so?" He asked.
She looked him in the eyes. "Because i was fiftheen when i got pregnant and i was still a child. I didn't know how to act and what to do? One day i wanted to get an abortion and the other day i wanted adoption but at the end i kept John." Amy looked away. "I was just a confused fiftheen year old. Trying to be a teenager and denying my responsibility of being pregnant. And that's why it feels different now!"
Ricky nodded. "Obviously we both grew up. We matured. You are a mature young woman now, Amy! This pregnancy feels differently because you finally know what you want and what this is about!"
She nodded carefully. "Yeah, i know. And i'm embracing this pregnancy, this baby, this life." She bit her lip. "I think i'm... I'm finally ready to be this mom i was always afraid to be. This young, single mother of two. I can do this!"
"Yes you can, Amy! You can do this. But you don't have to do this alone!"
She nodded. "I know. I have you, you have me. We have each other's backs!"
Ricky turned away and looked out of the restaurant's window. He was very nervous about what he was about to say. The thing he was afraid of the most was to lose Amy by his question. An unanswered question. An answer he wanted to have ever since the day she left.
"Maybe it's time?"
"Time for what?" She asked, looking down.
"Maybe it's time for us to be together again?"

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