Episode 32: just breathe

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Minutes went by.
Amy and Ricky finally arrived at Geoff's. Silently they walked into the restaurant. Not knowing what could happen next, but ready for the future ahead. They gave each other a deep look. A look full of hope. But still a distanced feeling of confusion.

"Hi there. Welcome to Geoff's restaurant. Can i help you find the right table?" A waitress asked.
"Yes. Uhm... A table for two please." Ricky responded back.
"Okay. Follow me."

The waitress walked them to a table at a corner in the restaurant. The table looked cosy and almost too romantic for two 'friends'.
The waitress saw Amy's look. The look of confusion and misinterpretation.

"Is this table okay for the two of you, or do you want another... Let's say a more standard table?"
Amy shook her head. "No, this is fine... This is okay."

"Okay. Well then." The waitress gave them the menu. "Have a seat, and look at our menu."

"Is it okay if we can order now?" Ricky asked, not wanting to listen to the waitress anymore.

"Of course."

"Uhm... Amy? What do you wanna order? It's on me. I'll pay for anything you want to eat or drink!"
Amy shook her head. "No, i don't want anything special. I just want some water if that's okay?"
"Okay. A water for the lady. And what can i get you?" The waitress looked at Ricky with fierce eyes.
"Just two waters please?"
The waitress walked to the bar. She opened the bottles of water and walked back to Ricky and Amy.
They were sitting in front of each other staring at their table. Still feeling awkward to be around each other. Amy rubbed her belly while Ricky was looking out for the waitress.

"So here you go. Two waters. Enjoy your drink." Amy smiled and took the water from the waitress.

For a brief moment, she hoped that the waitress would stay. The pressure of talking about all the months that passed by made her feel uncomfortable. Knowing that she had to talk about everything made her want to go away.
She felt how Ricky's eyes were watching her.

"So..." Ricky said, unsure.
"So..." Amy responded back while she made eye contact.
"We're not gonna act like strangers now, right?" Ricky asked, not sure if Amy was willing to talk.
Amy shook her head. "No. We're not. And we can't. Because we're having a baby and we have an almost-four-year-old."
Ricky sighed. "I just want to start by saying that i'm really, really sorry for everything that i've put you through. For causing you pain. For you to feel trapped and the feeling of not being able to move on from everything we went through. I just want to apologize and i hope we can make this work as friends to raise our kids?"
Amy nodded. "We will make this work. We can be friends and raise John and this baby. We did it in the past. The only difference was that i disliked you... I truly disliked you when i just had John. And that was the reason why being friends didn't work out!"

"But why would it work now? I mean, we're in the same situation."

Amy sighed. "Yes Ricky. We are in the same situation! We are even in the same boat. The thing is that when i got pregnant with John, i really didn't know what sex was about. Or what i was doing! I just had sex with you because i was afraid to say no. And the only thought that crossed my mind was 'everyone is doing it. Let's just get it over with.' "

Amy sighed.

"And i knew what i was doing when i got pregnant with this baby. I chose to have unprotected sex with you on my own. I just thought it was okay to have sex with my ex because we're adults. We chose to have sex. If i knew that you were with Clementine i wouldn't have had sex with you in the first place!"

Amy took a sip of her water and looked around. Everyone in the restaurant were having fun. They were drinking, eating and laughing. She felt like she was the only person in that room that felt hopeless and lost.

Ricky saw how she was sinking away. How she started to get lost in her thoughts.
He grabbed her hand that was lying on the table.
"Look... I know i screwed things up in the past. And i always said that if i could do it all over again i wouldn't have had sex with you. I wouldn't have gotten you pregnant and i wouldn't have had these problems. But the truth is... If i could do it all over again, i would still have had sex with you and i would still want to be in the position we are in right now. Because you know why?" He asked, with a serious tone.

Amy shook her head while she was trying to keep her tears.

"Because having this life with or without you made us who we are right now. And thinking how it could have been, or how it should have been doesn't solve our..."
"Mistakes?" Amy asked.
"No. Our... Life. Because our life is how we make it. And you choose what you want to do with yours. And i choose mine. But the kids are ours and ours only. I just want you to be alright and happy. And i don't care if it's with me or with someone else. I just want to see you smile for a change."
Amy smiled. "Who's says i'm not happy?"
"Your not, Amy. And do you know how i know?"
She shook her head, insecure.
"Because i know you. Like you know me. We know each other. Just know that we are going to be okay."

A tear fell from Amy's eye. She looked down at her belly and rubbed it.
Ricky looked at her big belly and smiled.
"And this baby?" She asked. "Do you think this baby is gonna be okay?"
Ricky nodded. "Yes. This baby is going to be just fine. There's nothing to worry about."
Amy nodded. "You're right. And i'm sorry too. I'm sorry for my selfishness. And for dreaming too big or... I guess too loud."
"You don't need to be sorry. You had every right to dream and live big. You still do. I just hope that it will be here. But you can still choose to go back to New York. I'm not keeping you somewhere you don't want to be."

Amy bit her lip. "I just want to be able to breathe freely again. Breathe without feeling hurt or betrayed."
Ricky nodded. "You can have that. And you do have that! You are breathing Amy! Even if it doesn't feel like it. You are... And breathing will only get easier once this baby is born."
"Okay." Amy said, while she wiped away her tears.

"Friends?" He asked, smiling.
"Friends..." Amy said.

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