Episode 6: what if i'm weak?

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Amy felt betrayed, she felt lied to. She felt so angry.
Her hands were shaking. She was driving the car, John was  sitting in the back looking outside, he looked so innocent. Not knowing what was going on.
Amy decided to turn on the radio, right after she turned it on 'Love Bites by Halestorm' came up. The lyrics matches exactly what Amy feels like.

'So come and taste the reason. I'm nothing like the rest.
I kiss you in a way you'll never forget about me.'

Amy likes the song and she turns the volume up.

'Love bites, but so do I. Love bites, but so do I, so do I'.

John starts laughing when Amy starts dancing with her shoulders on the song. "Yeah. You also like the song, don't you John?" John nods.
Amy drives until she sees the Butcher shop at a distance. "Okay, Ricky. Let's see how much fun you had." Amy says out loud while she looks at the Butcher shop.

Ricky and Clementine were making out on the couch. "Ricky?" Clementine asked. Ricky leaned back. "Yes?" He asked. Clementine gave him a very serious look, with her big brown eyes. "Do you love me?" Ricky didn't expect that question to come and didn't exactly know what to tell her. "Isn't it a little bit too soon to already love each other?" He asked. Clementine looked down. "I don't know. I don't exactly know how things like this go." Ricky laughed. "Me neither." He started kissing her again until she stopped him. "What do you mean by 'me neither'? You loved Amy!" Ricky looked at her and said. "Yes, i loved her but this is you and me. So i would like to keep it this way." Ricky wanted to kiss Clementine again until someone knocked at the door. "Who could that be?" Clementine asked.
"I can take a guess." Ricky said while he walked towards the door.
He opened the door and saw Amy holding John. He was sleeping in her arms. "Am i disturbing something?" Amy asked with annoyance in her voice. "Uhm. No come on in." Ricky said while he looked at Clementine.
"O, hi Clementine!" Amy said with an angry voice. Angrier than she expected she would react. "Hi, Amy." Clementine said, friendly but still confused about how hateful she greeted her.

"Can i bring John to bed, or am i supposed to hold him in my arms?" Amy asked while she gave Ricky a dirty look. "No, you can bring him to bed." Ricky said. Trying to save himself out of the awkward situation.
Amy walked to John's bedroom, after she got out of sight Clementine looked wondered. "Why is she being so mean?" Ricky brushed his hand through his hair, and acted like he didn't know what was going on. "I don't know. She's been like this since she came back." Clementine stood up. "Well, i gotta go. I don't want to scare your son if he wakes up. I know that he's still not used to you and Amy being seperated. And i can tell that Amy wants to speak to you. So i'll be going." Clementine left and closed the door behind her. And Ricky knew what was going to happen next.

Amy came out of John's room after she heard Clementine leaving. Ricky stood in the living room. Amy walked into the living room. "So?" Amy said with her arms crossed. "When were you going to tell me you are in a relationship with her?" Ricky turned around and faced Amy. "I didn't know i needed to tell my ex-fiancé who i'm with or not with." Amy looked more frustrated by the second. "You needed to tell me because... Uhm... I don't know,  you slept with me 2 weeks ago!" She said very angrily. "And my dad told me you started seeing her a couple of weeks after we broke up!." Amy looked hurt. She could feel the guilt she had for the past 2 months turning into rage.
"Why do you care?" Ricky asked.
"Why do i care?" Amy shouted. "I'll tell you why i care. The first reason is because i've been walking around with this guilt for 2 months now, that i left you here. And then, i figured out you started seeing Clementine a couple of weeks after i left? Ow, and not to forget the fact that you slept with me... You... You cheated on her!" Amy shouted.
"Could you please keep your voice down, John doesn't need to wake up."
Amy seemed angry and irritated. "Why, Ricky?" She said. "Why did you had sex with me?" She asked with a hurtful tone, and a gentle voice.
"What is this, Band Camp?" Ricky said in a sarcastic tone.
Amy's anger turned into laughter. "Not funny!" She said, not convincing.

"Look." Ricky said. "I'm sorry if i hurt your feelings again. And i'm sorry if i confused you! I didn't mean to sleep with you. It just happened.!"
Amy looked at him with sadness in her eyes. "This is exactly what you did to me at Band Camp..." She paused for a moment. "You played with my feelings there, and you did the same thing... again."
Ricky saw how much he hurted Amy. He looked down, and then back at her. "And again, your blaming this on me. But you didn't stop me, and you didn't stop yourself."
Amy nodded. "Yes, i know. I don't know why i didn't stop myself. I think i was too weak."
"No, your not weak. We just still need to figure out where we stand?!" Amy looked confused. "And where do we stand?" She asked.
"I don't know." Ricky said with a serious look. "What do you want us to be, friends or enemies?" He asked.
Amy looked at him. She was looking right through him.
"I don't know." She said sincere.

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