Episode 13: family first

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Ricky was getting ready for bed, he was turning the sofa into a bed until someone started knocking at the door.
He walked to the door and opened it. George was standing there. He looked furious, and his face was full of sweat.
"Can i come in?" George asked.
George walked in the apartment and brushed his hand through his hair. He walked to the kitchen and sat on the chair.
"Can i get you something?" Ricky asked.
George shook his head. "No, i'm just here because i need to talk to you." He said, in a very serious tone.
Ricky sat next to George on a chair. He didn't understand why George seemed to be angry?

"Look." George said. "I got a call from Ruben today. He told me something i really didn't wanted to hear." He sighed. "I rushed out of my restaurant, i'm lucky that i own the place or else i would have been fired."
"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" Ricky asked, wondered.
George shook his head. "I got a call from Ruben, and he told me that you and Amy are having sex." He paused. It hurted him saying these words. "Is that true, and no lies!" George said, frowning.

Ricky looked down, he didn't know where to start. "where did you get the information from, besides of hearing it from Ruben?" He asked.
George frowned. "Apparantly, you told Ben, he told Adrian, she told Ruben, and he told me!"

Ricky looked down, he also seemed to be disappointed in himself, he never should have told Ben.

"Look George, there's more going on than just that."
George looked furious. "So it's true?" He sighed. "Your having sex with Amy? But you are with Clementine, why would you cheat on your girlfriend with your ex?"
"It's more than that. I'm not having sex with Amy. We only had sex once, it was right after the first time she came from New York."
George shook his head. "I told her that night that she looked a little bit too nice to go to her ex's apartment to visit her son." George paused. "I can't believe my Amy would go on a sex hunt?" George looked disappointed.

"It wasn't like that!" Ricky said. "I'm the one to blame. I started making out with her. She just didn't stop herself, that's all."
George sighed. "Are you going to your old-habits-road again? And if you are, please leave my daughter out of it!"

Ricky shook his head. "No, i changed, George. I changed for Amy. But now i'm changing for Clementine."
"And what's that, 'changing for Clementine', sleeping with your ex?" He asked.
Ricky shook his head. "It only happened that one time. And one time was more then enough to..." He paused.
"To what?" George asked, confused. "Did you wanted to say, to see who's better in bed?"
"No!" Ricky immediately said. "Something happened, and Amy told me 'that something' at the reunion yesterday."

George's expression changed. "Your not trying to tell me that she's pregnant, right?" He asked, furious.
Ricky nodded. "She is. She is pregnant." He looked down, he didn't know what George might do, or say. George seemed to be exploding but he kept himself calm. Or he tried to.

"When she told me, i lost it. I told her the most horrible things. I crushed her." Ricky said, feeling regret.
George looked away. "A second child?" He murmured.

After the news got through him, he tried to talk to Ricky.

"Look, Ricky you can't hurt my girl. She's my daughter and mother of your son." He sighed. "And mother of your soon to be newborn baby." George looked serious.
"You better go talk to her before something bad happens, before she might never forgive you!"

"I can't change the horrible things i told her, George."
George looked down. "That's why apologizing excists. To apologize!"

Ricky looked down. "I don't think that will work!"
"It might, or might not. But even if apologizing doesn't work, you can always just change the future and don't look back at the past." He said, sincere.

A silence filled the place. George seemed to be thinking and Ricky didn't know what else to say.

"I need to go to the house. I need to talk to Amy!" George said.
He stood up. "I don't think she knows what she's doing? And i think she needs me and Anne during this difficult time."

"So that's it?" Ricky asked. "You just came in here after hearing that i got your daughter pregnant again, to give me a speech?
George looked at Ricky, and put his hands in his pockets.
"I'm not gonna punch you if that's what you mean?"
Ricky looked serious. "I wouldn't let you punch me." He said.
"I know." George said. "And i wouldn't. Because i never punched you in the past, after hearing my fiftheen-year-old daughter was pregnant. So why would i punch you now? Your having a second baby with my daughter after 4 years of having John. You two have a history together. You were in love once, happy and engaged. You two almost eloped.
Okay, things didn't work out. She left. You slept with her once again and now she's having another baby.
So why would i punch you now? That doesn't make any sense. A baby isn't the worst thing in the world you know? It's a beautiful thing!" George said.

Ricky nodded. "I know. He said.

"Look Ricky." George said. "I'm not mad at you or my daughter. I'm only disappointed in you and in my Amy! But you can't change the past. And who knows, what will happen in a year or two between you and Amy? Maybe you two were meant to be together after all?" George said. He walked away, out of the door and the apartment.

"So, you talked to Ricky?" Amy asked.
George nodded. "Yes, and it's okay Amy! I was angry first, but i know how this will turn out. It will all be okay."
Amy eyes turned into sadness. "How is it okay to have a baby at eightteen, and to have a three year old i had at age fiftheen?"
George rubbed Amy's back. "It's not the best thing two teenagers can do, having a baby in high school, and now having a baby in college. I know Amy." George sighed. "But, you have to make the best out of it."
"I really thought you were going to be mad at me!" She said.
George shook his head. "I can't stay mad at my little pumpkin. Even though it means that you will have another baby to take care of, i'm not mad anymore."
Amy started crying, not because she felt like a mess. But because she just bonded with her father after a long time.
She hugged George tightly.
Anne was standing at the garage/room door, this whole time.
"Come in the house Amy. I'm gonna make you something healthy to eat."
Anne smiled.

For the first time Amy felt in peace. In peace with herself. She went inside the house, into the kitchen. Her dad was sitting in front of her, holding her hand and telling her the nicest things. Her mom was making a delicious meal. It felt like old times sake. Being with her parents in the kitchen, trying to be a family. But now for the first time Amy felt a part of the family. Even though the family split up in many ways. She finally felt a part of them.

"How far along are you?" Anne asked.
"I don't know." Amy said. "I only took a pregnancy test in New York, and i walked around this whole time like nothing was going on."
"So you never went to the doctor or anything like that?" Anne asked.
Amy shook her head. "No, not yet."

"Then we will go to the doctor's office tomorrow." Anne said.
Amy nodded. "Okay."


[the next morning]

Amy was getting ready, she wanted to talk to Ricky about everything. She felt not so confident, since the last time didn't go very well. She wished Ricky would just get over it and accept it, maybe he will. Since her dad told her, that Ricky felt guilty. But she had this feeling it won't get that easy.
This time, she was gonna be strong. Nothing and no one will stop her for making decisions on her own.

"After this, i'm going back to New York." She thought.

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