Episode 16: the reason why

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Since the Amy and Ricky incident 1 week ago, John stayed at Amy's for a week.
She hasn't seen Ricky in a week. She didn't want to see him but he was coming over to get John. Amy wrote a letter to Anne, George and Ricky. The letter was in an envelope entitled "mom, dad and Ricky." Her bags were in her car, packed and ready to get going. Her plan was to leave, running away from her problems seemed easier than to stay and face them.

Anne was sleeping on the couch with Robie right next to her. She fell asleep after hearing Amy's complaints. Amy complained about everything, but what she didn't tell her is that she and Ricky kissed a week ago. Because if she told her mom, she would give her a huge preach.
George was at Kathleen's. And if he wasn't there he would be at his restaurant. Her dad was really busy these days.

Amy was looking out of the kitchen window, and she was drinking her coffee and tried to relax, she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds just to try to relax. Until the kitchen back door opened.
It was Ricky.

Ricky walked inside and faced Amy.
She was not happy with his presence because she just tried to relax and now all of the stress she had, came back.
She put her coffee mug on the table.
"Are you allowed to drink that?" Ricky asked, while he pointed at the coffee mug.
Amy looked irritated. "It's just coffee!" She said.
Ricky looked worried. "Are you sure, because i read articles that said, coffee is unhealthy for a pregnancy."
Amy seemed to be exploding. "Like you care!" She shouted, trying to stay calm.
"I care!" Ricky shouted back.

Amy walked out of the kitchen and walked upstairs to go to the bathroom. Ricky followed her. She was in the bathroom and wanted to close the door until Ricky stood there.
"I have to pee." Amy said. "I pee a lot now, because i'm pregnant." She closed the door.

Ricky walked into the nursery.
It was John's and Robie's bedroom. They shared it together, if they both stayed at the house. John was sleeping in his bed. Ricky looked at him, he sleeped so peacefully.
Amy came into the nursery.

"He's so innocent, he doesn't know anything about anything." Ricky said. "Do you have to go back to New York?" He asked, disappointed.
"Look." Amy said. "I may be pregnant, but i'm not dying! I can still do what i want to do. John is in good hands here with you and i already told you that i will be going back. You knew that from the moment i told you i was pregnant." She paused and looked sad. "You had so many chances Ricky! You screwed everything up. I didn't wanted to have sex with you, you talked me into it. You told me lies. You gave me false hope, and then i found out that i'm pregnant and you're with Clementine and i... I couldn't take it."
Ricky looked down. "Look. I'm sorry for everything. Kissing you last week was also a wrong thing to do, things happen Amy. You just need to move on like i did!"
A tear fell from Amy's right eye.
"How can i move on if i'm pregnant with your child? And how can i move on knowing i will always be bonded to you? How can i move on when you kissed me last week?.. Huh. How can i ever move on Ricky?"
Ricky looked away. He tried to comfort her and wanted to give her a hug.
Amy held back and pushed him away.
"Don't touch me, stop confusing me." She said with soaked eyes full of tears.
Amy walked out of the nursery and went downstairs, she went outside the house and got in her car.
When she drove away, only one thing was on her mind. "New York, here i come."


"What do you mean you don't know where she went?!" George shouted.
"Can you please stop shouting, i'm not good with shouting!" Ricky shouted back.
"Let's all just calm down." Anne said.

Anne, George and Ricky were standing in the kitchen.

After Amy walked out of the nursery, Ricky came downstairs and thought she might be in the house somewhere, but he noticed that her car was gone. He woke Anne up, and told her that he had a fight with Amy and that she left. Anne panicked and called George.

"What were you two even fighting about? Custody or something?" George asked, wondered.
Ricky shook his head. "We're not so far yet. But no."
"Tell me!" George shouted. "I think i have the right to know what you two were fighting about!"
Ricky looked angry. "It's my business George, and Amy's! If she wants to tell you than she can do that!"
George looked furious. "I could let her tell me if she was here!"
Anne seemed to be distracted by a letter.
"Would you two please stop arguing, John and Robie could wake up! And..."
Anne picked up the envelope.
"It says to mom, dad and Ricky."

George looked wondered. Ricky looked confused, he didn't understand why Amy would write them a letter.

Anne opened the envelope and took the letter out of it.
She read the letter out loud.

" hello mom, dad and Ricky.
It's too hard for me to talk to all of you about this, that's why i'm writing this down. I know, everything is pretty messed up. I screwed things up. Again.
And i meant what i said, i didn't mean to sleep with Ricky. It just happened.
I know mom, i started something beautiful... A baby. And dad, no i know. It isn't the worst thing in the world to have a baby and, it is a beautiful thing!
And Ricky, i don't know what your plans are and what your up to. I don't care, but please even if you hate me, don't take this out on the baby. He or she didn't do anything! Don't run away from your problems but face them. Face the truth.
And the truth is that i really thought we could have a second chance. But i don't know what i was thinking because you don't even care about my pregnancy. The only thing your worried about is if Clementine finds out? But she will find out...
Once, not too long ago you asked me what i wanted us to be. Friends or enemies? I told you i didn't know the answer but i do know now...
If you want to play this game this way. Then you will get it the way you want it.

Mom, dad. Please don't worry.
I'm heading back to New York.
I talked to the college, i can't stay there because i'm pregnant. But they are willing to give me some time. I can stay there until i'm six months pregnant and then i have to transfer school's. I will be going to college in California until i reach my 9th month of pregnancy.
I won't be coming back these months until i'm six months pregnant.
Please, tell John that i love him and that i will be back very soon.

I just need to figure things out, by myself."

Anne wiped a tear away. "Poor Amy, she thinks she has to go through this all alone."
George looked at Ricky.
"I have this feeling you need to do a lot of explanation!" He said.
Ricky looked away and tried to ignore him.
"Look, Ricky. What i got out of the letter is that she ran away because of you. Because you act like this, and you only think about your girlfriend. But i will tell you something. Maybe you should start caring and thinking about your ex-fiancé, the mother of your son, and the woman that's carrying your child at this moment!" He shouted.
"George!" Anne shouted.
"I know." Ricky said. "But i can't have it all. She can't have it all. I'm with Clementine, i will tell her the truth but if Amy wants what she wants, then she's gonna get what she wants."
George nodded. "I know, she always gets what she wants, because she worked for it. But i will tell you something." He said sincere. "What she really wants is you!"
He sighed. "I guess since that day at band camp she wanted you. Ben was just her saviour or something, during her pregnancy. Because of him she didn't feel lost or alone. But because of you, she grew up and faced love."

Ricky looked down.

"If all of that is true, why did she leave me and John after graduation for New York? And why did she leave now, huh?"

"Because." George said. "She runs away from her problems, just like you do!

"I guess we will have to face our problems then." Ricky said, sincere.
"I guess you do." George said, frowning.

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