Episode 11: reunion from hell part 2

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Amy, Madison and Lauren were in the girl's restroom.
Madison's excitment disappeared when she saw how nervous Amy looked.
"Amy? What's going on?"

Amy looked down. "I can't believe this." She said. "After all those years being in high school, after everything i've been through... I'm here in the restroom... Again."
Lauren looked confused. "Amy, your alright, right?" She asked worried.
Madison looked from Lauren to Amy.
"Amy, your not gonna tell us that you and Ricky didn't get married, right?" Amy bit her lip, she felt insecure and she lost all of her confidence. She nodded.
"Wait, what?" Madison shouted confused.
"But how is that possible, what happened? I don't understand." She said.
Amy sighed, she knew she had to explain. "Look, Lauren, Madison. After graduation, i went home with Ricky and i had a long talk with him. I told him i couldn't be married and go to New York. I guess i always knew it, but i just didn't want to face reality. Life isn't a fairytale... And i chose college over my son and fiancé."
Amy wiped a tear away.

"It's okay." Lauren said. "You don't have to feel like this. You will get through this. You just need to focus on college and your son."
"No, it's not okay. Lauren."

Madison still looked confused. "But, if you and Ricky broke up why are you here with him, and why does this bother you now, after all those months?"

"Because." Amy sighed. "When i went to New York. I came back, a couple of weeks later to visit John. And something happened. Something that changed everything. Something i don't want to say out loud."
Amy started crying. She felt hopeless. She didn't want to say it, because if she did. It would be real.
"You can tell us!" Madison said. "We are still your best friends. You can tell us anything, no matter how shameful it is!"
"Madison!" Lauren shouted, while she gave Madison a warning and dirty look.
"Amy, just tell us. You might feel better. And don't cry."
Amy tried to stop crying but she couldn't. She can't believe she actually lost it and started crying in here, at her high school reunion. In the girl's restroom, with her two bestfriends. She felt like that 15-year-old girl again. Feeling lost, insecure and all alone.

Amy closed her eyes for a second, and opened them. Her cheeks were soaked with tears. "Well." Amy said. "I left a few things out of the story i just told you guys." She wiped away her tears while another pair of tears showed up.
"We're in the girl's restroom of our old high school. Don't we have memories in here? Doesn't anything what i was about to tell you guys in the past happened here?" She sighed.
Madison finally got the hint. So did Lauren. "O no!" They said. "Your not..."
Amy nodded, trying to stay strong and trying to hold her tears but they kept coming.

"I'm... Pregnant." She said.

After she said it, the reality collapsed on her. Being in her old high school, in the restroom, with Madison and Lauren brought too many memories of her first pregnancy, when she was pregnant with John.
Lauren and Madison hugged Amy, very tightly.

"So?" Madison said, wondering something. "You were already pregnant when you left Ricky for New York?" She asked, hoping the answer would be yes.
Amy shook her head. Still crying.
"No, i slept with Ricky, the first time i flew back from New York, after we broke up." Lauren looked a little bit disappointed. She thought Amy wouldn't make the same mistake again.
"But the worst part of all of this is that Ricky slept with me, while he was and is in a relationship with Clementine." She said, hurt.
"What?" Lauren said. "He's with her?" Madison looked shocked. "So he cheated on her with his ex?"
"That's not the point." Amy said. "The point is that history is repeating itself and i don't want it to repeat itself."
Madison squeezed Amy's shoulder. "It will be okay, Amy! No matter what happens between you and Ricky, you'll be okay!" Madison hugged Amy again.
Amy broke down. She was hysterically crying in Lauren and Madison's arms. And then Ricky came in.

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