Episode 22: breaking up. making up?

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Ricky invited Clementine over for dinner. This was going to be the night he would tell her about his one night stand with Amy, and her unplanned pregnancy.

He was afraid he took the situation too seriously, since he decorated his apartment a little bit too romantic. Everything looked so romantic, he never did this before.
There were roses on the table, dinner for two and some beautiful red candles around the apartment.

He was at his apartment but his thoughts were with Amy.
He didn't speak to her in a month. George and Margaret were angry at him, and mostly disappointed because he promised he would talk to Amy, but he didn't.

When he was starting to get lost in his thoughts he heard a distant sound of someone knocking at his door.

He walked to his door and opened it.
"Hi, honey." Clementine said, smiling.
She walked into the apartment and kissed Ricky on his lips.
She looked around.

"Wow, it's so romantic in here!" She glanced. "I didn't know you had it in you?"
Ricky nodded. "I do have it in me, believe me." He looked nervous.
"Why don't we sit down?" Ricky pointed to the chairs in the kitchen. Clementine sat down at the kitchen table. "I really love the candles and the roses!" She said, smiling. "I can't believe you did all of this for me?"

Ricky nodded and took her hands.
"I did all of this just for you, because i ... love you." He said, trying to sound truthfully.

"But why the sudden romantic change?" Clementine asked wondered.
Ricky looked down and tried to stay calm. When he looked back at Clementine, she seemed to be confused and afraid.
"Your not breaking up with me, are you?" She asked, uncertain.

Ricky immediately shook his head.
"No, i'm not breaking up with you!" He sighed.
"But you might break up with me after this hearing this."

Clementine still looked confused and worried.
"I will get the dinner ready, so that we can eat first." He said, trying to change the subject.
Ricky stood up. He was about to turn around and walk away until Clementine grabbed his right hand.
"I want to know it now!" She said, sincere.
"If it's something so bad that i might break up with you, i really don't feel like pretending and eating dinner together like nothing's going on!"
Ricky sat back down. He shook his head and sighed.

"Is it so bad?" Clementine asked, worried.
Ricky nodded. "It is. It's pretty bad."

Ricky didn't wanted to tell her, but he had to. He waited too long and he was tired of lying. He wanted to do the right thing by telling Clementine the truth. The truth like she deserves to know. And he also wanted to be there for Amy and his unborn child when Amy gets back in two months.

"You can take your time, by telling me Ricky. But i'm not leaving until i know!" Clementine demanded.
Ricky looked into Clementine's eyes.
A tear appeared in his right eye.

"Okay." He said, nodding.
"I did something a couple of months ago, something that might affect our relationship. Something that will end all the good things we had."
Clementine didn't know what to get out of his words. She swallowed.
"Can't you be more specific? Just say it, Ricky... Please."

Ricky looked down, he tried to avoid eye contact. But he didn't wanted to be a coward or a jerk. But he was a coward and a jerk in many ways. He didn't wanted to be those things for Clementine. She deserved better.
He sighed and looked into her eyes.
"I... I... cheated on you with... Amy." He finally said.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt embarrassed of himself and of his actions.

Clementine's face was expressionless, and her eyes looked empty. A tear fell down on her cheek and she shook her head, furiously.
"What, are you kidding me?!" She shouted. "You cheated on me with Amy? What... How... When... But why?"
Ricky shook his head.
"I don't know, it just happened. And i know that 'it just happened' isn't the kind of response i'm supposed to give. But i really don't know why i slept with her. And i feel terrible about it. Because not only have i hurt you, but i've hurted Amy too, and i probably ruined her as well!"

The Secret Life Of The American Teenager [SEASON 6] Together Foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن