Questions And Answers: season 6 part 1

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Question: Did Ricky care at all, when Amy came back to visit in Episode 2: after graduation part 2?.
Answer: Ricky did care, but not in a way that he wanted to be with Amy. He only cared because John was excited to see his mother back.

Question: Was it Amy's plan in Episode 2: after graduation part 2, to have sex with Ricky again? Because she was wearing something revealing?
Answer: It was not Amy's plan to have sex with Ricky. She didn't plan for it to happen. But she did wear her 'revealing dress' for a reason. She wanted to look nice for Ricky, she also wanted to make him think that he had lost her. That was her plan, to make him believe that she was happy on her own.

Question: In (episode 3: facing reality). Amy and Ricky had sex. Why did Ricky had sex with her if he didn't care about her, and he was in a relationship with Clementine?
Answer: Ricky is still Ricky in all of this. Even though he changed and all of that. The only reason why he ever changed was because he had a son with Amy. He wanted to fight for his exclusive relationship Amy longed for, to become a family. But now that Amy's not in the family picture (exactly) anymore. He doesn't really have a reason to stay 'calm'.
But he does care about Amy. Not in a way that he's in love with her. But he has a big history with her. And sleeping with her made him feel like it were the old and good times again. (The happy times.) and at that moment, he didn't think about Clementine.

Question: In episode 5: confused, Amy felt hurt and betrayed by Ricky because she found out he was seeing Clementine. Why did she feel that way, what was the real reason?
Answer: Right before the scene that George came into Amy's room, she sat down after seeing her calendar and after she counted days. At that moment she was thinking about a possibility of being pregnant. That's why she felt hurt and betrayed.

Question: In episode 7, Love Bites.
Ben asked Amy out on a date. Did Amy actually wanted to go with him or not?
Answer: Amy spend two months with Ben in the same building, the same college and even in the same classes. Ben was not the romantic guy anymore like he used to be in (season 1.) he turned around, he became a stalker.
Amy didn't wanted to go out with him because she wanted to let him go, she wanted to let the past go and move on.
And also because she was  thinking about a possibility of being pregnant. And she didn't wanted to put Ben in that position ever again.

Question: Ricky told Ben that he slept with Amy in episode 10, Reunion from hell part 1, why did he tell him that?
Answer: Ben was trying to pick a fight with Ricky. Ricky didn't feel like it and pointed out that Ben and Amy were never going to happen. Ben didn't believe it and told him that he was the one that never would be with her again. When Ricky said that he and Amy had sex, it actually plopped out of his mouth, he was not thinking clear. And he also took a risk. Since someone could have told Clementine. Which never happened. Luckily for Ricky.

Question: Anne and George didn't really seem to be mad at Amy for getting pregnant with her ex. Why is that?
Answer: Because Amy and Ricky already have a three-and-a-half year old son together. Anne and George were mad about the first pregnancy in the past. But now they came to believe that Amy and Ricky will be alright. Anne and George are mostly disappointed in their daughter. But who are they to judge? Because Anne and George basically made the same mistakes in the past. And they are not the best role models for their children either.

Question: in episode 14, facing the enemy. Ricky started kissing Amy. Why was that? And how did Clementine come in, and why did she had a pie in one hand?
Answer: Ricky took a big risk by kissing Amy. They were mad at each other before they kissed. But when they faced each other, all the hatred disappeared. Clementine came in with her key, a key Ricky gave her.
And she had a pie in one hand to celebrate her and Ricky's 2 month anniversary of being together. (Which is not said in the episode.)

Question: How is it possible that Hudson University gave Amy extra time until she's 6 months pregnant, to be at the college, since they don't allow pregnant students? In Episode 15, choices.
Answer: the main reason is, because Mrs. Miller of Hudson University was also a pregnant teen . She knows what Amy's going through, and even know they don't allow pregnant students. She really wanted to give Amy at least until she's 6 months pregnant. So that she can take her time to move forward, without having any more stress. Or that's what Mrs. Miller tried to do. Since Amy's under a lot of stress, during the episodes. But after Mrs. Miller told her story about her past, she opened Amy's eyes once and for all.

Question: Why is Ricky such a dick in this season?
Answer: the reason why he's doing what he's doing. Kinda reminds me of an elder Ricky of season 1. The not responsible guy. But the only difference here is that he's taking care of his son, and dealing with Amy's pregnancy at his own way. And he's also trying to save his relationship with Clementine. And that is basically the reason why he's 'such a dick'.
He is trying to save his relationship with Clementine. But he's not trying to save his relationship with Amy. That causes a lot of hatred between Amy and Ricky in this season.

Question: Since Amy got pregnant again, she's playing the victim part. Is she trying to get Ricky's attention in any way?
Answer: she's not playing the victim part. She's confused and she is dealing with her pregnancy she never wanted. But this pregnancy is different than the first one. When she was pregnant with John, she didn't want to be pregnant either. (Obviously.) But she had every support she could get. Now she has her family's support but she has to do it alone. Because she's not 15 anymore. And she kind of tried to get Ricky's attention in episode 16, when she ran away to New York.

Question: wasn't Ricky going to New York with Anne, in episode 17: the secret letter?
Answer: He never said he would go to New York. Anne wondered why Ricky's mood suddenly changed. The reason behind that was because he felt regret and he realized the wrong things he did towards Amy.
And Anne also said "you and John need to leave because i need to lock the doors." Meaning: that Ricky and John had to go home, so that Anne could go to the airport, alone. (I re-wrote the ending of that episode to make it clear that Ricky stayed.)

Question: when George told Margaret, Shakur and Nora that Amy's pregnant by Ricky again. Why weren't they angry or anything like that?
Answer: they were not angry because they were not shocked about the news. Nora saw it coming because she always thought that Amy and Ricky had a special bond together. And Margaret worked with 100ths of cases of teenage pregnancies. So this was just another case for her. But she has faith in her son. Shakur thinks it could be a good fresh start for Amy and Ricky again. (all the information is not said in the episode itself.)

Question: when did Amy get pregnant exactly?
Answer: Amy got pregnant when she came back for the first time from New York after being in summer school there, to visit John and her parents. That would have been around August.

Question: when was Amy's due date?
Answer: Amy's due date is at the ending of May.

Author's note:
If you have a question about season six of 'The Secret Life Of The American Teenager' i'm happy to answer them. You can just comment your question(s) about this season down below.

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