Episode 19: a mother's love

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It was Sunday, 9:00 AM in the morning, in New York. It was cloudy outside, and it was also raining.
Amy was lying in her bed, she was half awake but she didn't wanted to get up, she could hear the raindrops outside, and she liked the sound of the rain falling down. It made her feel calm.

Amy was trying to get to sleep again, until she heard someone knocking at her front door. At first she didn't wanted to get up because she didn't feel like facing people. But the person at her front door didn't stop knocking.

After thinking if she should get up or not, she decided to get out of her bed.
When she got out of her bed, she took her bathrobe that was lying on a chair in her room. She put it on, and walked out of her room, the hallway in.
"Okay, okay." She said, irritated. "I'm coming!"

She walked to the door and opened it.

"Mom?" She asked, wondered.
Anne looked at Amy. Amy seemed to be annoyed by her mom's presence.
Amy was wearing a baby-blue-coloured pajamas, a white bathrobe, white slippers, and her hair was pretty messed up.

"Amy!" Anne said in an excited way. She was very happy to see her daughter back.
Anne walked into her condo with her bags on both of her hands.
"Can i get you something to drink?" Amy asked.
Anne shook her head. "No, i'm fine."

Anne walked into the living room and looked around. It was the first time she saw Amy's apartment. "Oh, Amy. This is a beautiful place."
"Thanks." Amy said, not sure.
"So, uhm, mom. Are you going to stay here?" She asked.
Anne laughed. "Do you think i booked a flight, and got on a plane just to visit you?"
Amy nodded. "Yes... I don't know." She said, uncertain.

Anne sat down on Amy's couch, she made a sign for her, so that she would also sit down. Amy sat down, right next to her mom.

"I came here because i don't want you to go through all of this alone. I want you to know that you have my back." Anne said with a smile.
Amy smiled. "Thanks mom."

"You know, i was disappointed in you when you ran all the way here to New York, and just left a note behind." Anne said with a serious tone.
Amy looked down, she sighed and looked back at her mom.
"I'm sorry mom. But i just couldn't handle it anymore. I really needed to get away from all of it."
Anne smiled and looked into Amy's eyes.
"You needed to get away from all of it, or from Ricky?" She asked.
Amy bit her lip. "Both." She said.

"I really hope that things will get better between the two of you. I don't know what's going on between you two. And i don't know why you both act so odd? I mean, i think, you can both be friends and raise John and this new baby together as just... friends." Anne said, with certainty in her voice.

Amy wiped a tear away.
"If it only was that easy." She sighed. "Look mom, i had a hard time finding out i'm pregnant again and there's nothing i can do about it to change it, or go back to the past and change my actions. I can't go back and undo this. But i will be there for my newborn baby and for John! I will live for my kids. No matter what happens." She said, while she wiped another pair of tears away.

Anne tried to comfort her and wanted to change the subject, but she couldn't change the subject because this was the most important thing right now.
"So what are you going to do now?" She asked, curious about Amy's plans.

Amy looked down and bit her lip.
"I'm still going to Hudson University until i'm six months pregnant. I will be searching for colleges in California in the mean time of being here.
And when i'm six months pregnant, i will transfer school's.
And then after that, i'm going to stay in college in California until i'm nine months pregnant."
She sighed.
"Or, i'm trying to stay in college until i'm nine months pregnant, because it's hard to be pregnant and to go to classes and handle all the stress."

Anne took Amy's hand.
"I want you to be alright, and i want you to be happy, or become happy. I'm going to stay here until your six months pregnant. And when you transfer colleges, and when you move back home, i will stand beside you and help you in any way i can."

Amy smiled. She felt relieved, that she didn't had to go through this alone, without anyone's help.
"Thanks, mom. I'm really going to need your support and help."

Anne hugged Amy tightly.
"You are going to have my support and help. I will help you Amy. I will help you get through this."


Ricky was cleaning his apartment, he didn't really know how to handle everything. He keeps hurting Amy in any way possible. He's also hurting Clementine in a way, she doesn't know anything about. He really wished he didn't had sex with Amy that night after New York. He felt like it was all his fault. And there's nothing he could do about it. He knew he had to help Amy in any way he could. He was never there for Amy when she was pregnant with John, and Ricky was afraid he was doing the exact same thing.
If he stood up and would be the responsible guy, Amy would be very happy. And if he didn't do anything, he would create a war between him and Amy. But most importantly, he would create a war in his head. He would forever feel guilty about not being there for her.

He still had the letter he found at Anne's house. He kept it on his book shelf.

Ricky was just about to clean his dishes until he heard someone knocking at his door. He put the dishes and towel down. He walked to the door and opened it.
George was standing there with his arms both on his waist, he seemed angry and frowned.
"Can i come in?" He asked.
He walked inside and stood in the living room.
"I won't be staying long, i just need to know what's going on between you and Amy?" He asked, frowning.
"Nothing's going on, George. Except for the fact that me and Amy are having another baby." He said, trying to stay sarcastic.
"Look, Ricky. I don't think the whole situation is funny. I know i accepted it, that she's having another child. But i don't like it that you keep hurting my girl. She ran away to New York, just to get away from you! And her mother is in New York now, she's gonna stay there with Amy until she's six months pregnant. Anne is not gonna see Robie in another three months. And your just here doing what your doing, and you let other's take care of the mess that you made?" He asked, angrily.

"I know that i've hurted Amy. I know that, okay! I've hurted her since that night at Band Camp. But we are both responsible for our mistakes. And okay, yes. She ran away to New York, but she has college there too, so she had to get back there anyways." Ricky sighed. "And it was Anne's idea to go to New York, she didn't tell me she was gonna stay there for three months. And believe me, i'm sorry that she can't see Robie for three months, but there are bigger problems here." Ricky said, angrily.

George nodded.
"There are indeed bigger problems here, Ricky. But there wouldn't be any problem if you just talked to Amy, and if you just could be as responsible as you are for John!"
"Don't you think i'm gonna be responsible for my baby?" Ricky asked. "I will take care of my newborn baby, and i will be a good father to my son or daughter. But i can't do it right now. I can't!"
George's look changed. He seemed more serious now.
"And why can't you right now? What is the big reason why you can't handle the situation right now?" He asked, wondered.
Ricky looked away and tried to catch his breath again. He looked into George's eyes.
"Because i'm afraid i might hurt Amy again." He said, truthfully.


"Wasted my energy, endlessly.
On your sweet lie.

And if you don't mind.
I would like to live the lie,
That I will survive.
And if you don't mind.
I would love to slip away,
And leave your world behind."

- If You Don't Mind
by Evanescence

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