Episode 30: nothing to lose part 2

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It was past 9 in the evening.
Ricky was getting John ready to go to Anne and George's old house. George wanted a 'welcome home' party for Amy. Since he knew how nervous and anxious his daughter was about coming back. Anne didn't know about George's plans, because George didn't tell her.
But George did talk about his plans to Kathleen. And she thought that this was an amazing idea.

Ricky was putting John into his nicest outfit. "I'm sure mommy is gonna love this outfit, buddy." He said, smiling.
John looked so happy. He glowed. You could clearly see that he had missed his mother, after not seeing her for three months.

"Okay, buddy. Let's go to grandpa George and grandma Anne's old house."
Ricky picked John up and walked out of his apartment, ready to see Amy again.


"I don't think i can do this! I really don't think i can do this, mom!"

Anne was driving a rented car. They were almost home. Amy recognized the houses and the streets. She recognized this place. The place where she grew up. It was really hard for her. Because she realized that she was almost there.

"Okay, Amy. I know how you feel. I really do! But everything's gonna be alright!" Anne sighed. "I really need to find a gas station as soon as possible. Because we're running out of gas." She said, irritated.
"I'm sorry mom. I'm driving you crazy with my problems. I almost forgot about yours. I'm sure you're very excited to see Robie back?"
Anne nodded and a smile appeared on her face. "Yes, i am so excited to see him back. Just like you're excited to see John back!" Anne looked to her right. "It seems like our old gas station is still here." She said.
Amy laughed. "Did you think it would be gone?"
Anne nodded. "Yes, maybe. I don't know. It could be."

"Mom, it doesn't mean that we were in New York for a couple of months that everything here would change!"
Anne smiled. "I know. I know."
Amy knew that her mom was trying to make her forget about her problems. And it was actually working.
"I'll be right back." Anne said, while she got out of the car.

Amy was looking out of the window. She was 10 minutes away from her old house. She was nervous to face Ricky soon. She was scared about the future but she was so excited to see her son back. All these mixed emotions made her feel uneasy and confused.

"Hi. George?"
"Yes, Anne it's me." George said on the other side of the phone.
"Did something happen, why are you calling?" She asked.
"I just wanted to know where you girls already are, and when we'll be expecting you?"
Anne's look changed. "We're almost there. It would probably take about 10 to 15 minutes until we're home. We're at a gas station. The car ran out of gas."
George laughed. "The car ran out of gas or you did?" He asked, sarcastically.
"You know you're not funny, right?" Anne asked.
"Yeah, yeah. I know you love my sense of humor. You can't deny it." He said. "Come on George, just tell me already... Are you up to something?"
"Is Amy with you, or are you alone right now?" He asked.
"Amy's in the car. I'm not. What are you up to George?" Anne asked, frustrated.
"I'm at our old house... And uhm."
"At out old house, or in our old house?" She asked.
"Okay. I'm in our old house... I decided to throw Amy a welcome home party." He said, excited. "Kathleen thought this was a good idea for Amy's insecurities."
Anne felt angry. She couldn't believe that George turned her house into a party zone. "George, Amy's already so nervous about facing Ricky and you decide to throw her a party. I should have never given you the key of our house! You know that she's very vulnerable right now? I don't know how she's gonna take this? Because i don't think she wants this? She just thinks she has no reason to celebrate."
George sighed. "Well. I haven't thought about it that way. I just wanted to do something nice for our daughter. I know how she felt like these months and i'm thankful that she has you to lean on. And i didn't really do anything special for her so i wanted to give her at least a 'welcome home' party. To let her know that she's loved."
Anne's anger turned around. "I understand why you did what you did. I'm sure she's gonna appreciate what you did for her. But i also know that she's not in the mood to celebrate and to pretend everything's okay when it's not. She's so nervous to face Ricky tomorrow. What is she gonna do when she realizes she's gonna see him today?"
"Maybe i should cancel it and sent everybody home?" George asked, disappointed.
Anne thought about it for a moment. She looked at Amy who was sitting in the car, playing nervously with her fingers.
"No." Anne finally said. "We'll be right there. Don't call it off."

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