Author's note: the loss of one of my influences

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Words can't describe how i'm feeling at the moment.

Yesterday evening,
As i was walking to catch my bus i was going through my tweets on Twitter. & i read a post saying 'RIP Chester.' I was like 'which Chester, this is a different one right?'

So i got through more tweets and a post posted by TMZ said that Chester Bennington of the mighty Linkin Park had died.

My heart dropped to the cold and hard ground.
I saw my bus coming from a distance so i got in the bus and started reading facebook posts, more tweets & newspaper articles.

At this point i was hoping and praying this was a joke. Cause TMZ isn't very trustworthy.

Around 9 PM i arrived at my bus station. I got out and walked home.
As i was walking home i read the thing i was afraid of reading.
Mike (also of Linkin Park) confirmed Chester's tragic death.

My heart stopped.
This was official.
The band i fell in love with many years ago for so many reasons now dropped to the floor with me.

I grew up as a young independent woman thanks to many bands. But Linkin Park was one of those bands. A band that saved me. A band that changed my perspective on many things.
I admired their genre. Their uniqueness.

There are no words to describe the numb feeling i have inside of me.

(In The End -> the video above is one of my all time favorite songs by them.)

Chester will be missed tremendously!
Thank you for the amazing music.
It's weird thinking the world goes on and on and another great artist is gone.

In loving memory of
Chester Bennington
20 march 1976 - 20 july 2017
Rock in peace, Chester

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