Episode 25: what now?...

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Amy was still in the hospital's emergency room. She was lying in a hospital bed. She was trying to wait very patiently for the doctor
Her mother, Anne was stressing out. She was sitting right next to her daughter trying to comfort her and trying to keep her calm. But how could Anne keep her calm, if she was the one being so nervous, and afraid of Amy's test results.

It was very silent in the room. The only sound you could hear, was the heart monitor.

Several minutes later the door opened. A male figure appeared.
Amy squeezed her eyes a little bit, because of the very bright light that was beside the male figure.
He was a young man. About the age of 25. And he looked kinda hot to be a doctor. You could see his muscles through his coat. He was wearing a white, long coat. And he had a stethoscope around his neck. He also had glasses on. And he was holding a clipboard with documents.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Drey. I'm your doctor. You must be Amy Juergens?"
Amy nodded, uncertain.
"Hi, i'm Anne. Amy's mom." Anne shook the doctor's hand.

"We've been waiting for such a long time for you to come doctor! We're so glad that you're here." Anne smiled, relieved.
The doctor nodded. "I'm very sorry for the slow process. But i do have other patients, who are in bad conditions."
Anne nodded. "We understand. Even though it wasn't pleasant for us to wait for such a long time, not knowing anything. But you're here now so..."
Dr. Drey smiled. "You know what they say? Better late than never. Right?... So. That being said. I have the test results right here."

Dr. Drey sighed and looked at Amy.
"Before i go there, to the results i mean. I have to ask you some questions. I do have your file, but this is just to make sure everything's right on your files. Is it okay for you to answer my questions?"
Amy nodded. "Yes it's okay."
Dr. Drey looked down at a document he was holding. "You just have to answer with yes or no!"
He turned the page.
"Is your fully name Amy Juergens-Underwood?"
Amy looked confused. "No, it's just Amy Juergens. Not Underwood!"
Anne looked at the doctor. "Underwood is the last name of the baby's father."
Dr. Drey nodded. "Okay. You're 18 years old?"
"Yes." Amy said.
"Before you lost consciousness in the basement you were carrying boxes?"
"Yes, i did carry some boxes." Amy responded back.
"Did you feel... Kind of weird this week? Did you had lower back pain? And did you had some bad aches in your lower belly and in your uterus?"
Amy nodded. "Yes, i felt that pain."

Anne looked worried, she didn't know what the doctor might say."
"Did you notice rapid weight gain during this pregnancy?"
Amy nodded. "Yes, because not too long ago i didn't even show. And in all of a sudden i gained a lot of weight."
Dr. Drey nodded and wrote something down.
"did you had severe headaches and changes in reflexes?"
Amy looked confused. "A big yes to the headaches. But i do think it has to do with the fact that i'm in college, and i'm under a lot of stress because of some circumstances that are occurring. And i honestly don't know anything about changes in reflexes?"

"And what about dizziness, excessive vomiting and nausea?" Dr. Drey asked.
"Yes, i get dizzy quicker than in my previous pregnancy. And i actually threw up not too long ago. I thought it was kinda weird, because in my experience morning sickness normally doesn't take that long. It disappeared after three months of being pregnant in my previous pregnancy. And i'm almost six months pregnant and i still throw up every now and then."
Dr. Drey nodded.

"And the last question. Did you notice swelling in your feet, legs, and hands, during your pregnancy?"
Amy thought about it. She was so busy these months that she hadn't noticed her feet, legs and hands swelling.
"Yes." She said.
"Okay. Thank you for answering the questions."

Dr. Drey took a chair and sat down. Amy tried to sit upright but she didn't had the strength to do it.
"Mom, can you help me for a second?" She asked.
Anne stood up and helped her to sit upright."
"Okay. Amy... I've tested your blood, urine and i also put you on the heart monitor. I came to conclusion that you had something most pregnant women get while they are pregnant."

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