Episode 2: after graduation part 2

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"Today is the day huh?" George said to Ricky. "The day? What do you mean?" Ricky asked while he cleaned the kitchen table. George looked at him, as if Ricky was pretending to be stupid. "Today is the day my Amy comes home." Said George with a big smile. "Oh, yeah i forgot for a moment." Ricky said pretending not to know where he was talking about. "You didn't forget, you just still don't want to see her do you?" George asked with a serious look on his face.
Ricky looked at George, trying to be as nice as possible. "Honestly, i don't really care if she comes or not, she's just gonna be here for 2 weeks. I'm happy she comes, i'm happy for John." George frowned. "Well, Ricky. You do realize you have to talk to her at some point? How you act isn't exactly being friends! Or what you and Amy agreed to be?" Ricky gave George a sad and serious look. "It doesn't mean that it's easy for you to be friends with your ex-wife, that i can also be easily friends with mine."
"Look." George said. "First of all, you and Amy were not married so she is your ex-girlfriend. And secondly..." Ricky interrupted him. "She's my ex-fiancé! That's a difference. And i just can't pretend she's a friend. I mean, she's my son's mother, my ex-fiancé and the first girl i ever dated plus we lived together, and shared the same bed."
George shook his head, no. "I didn't need to know the last part! And besides, is this why you invited me for dinner? So you could have a chat about my pumpkin?" Ricky gave George a strange look. "What pumpkin?"
"What pumpkin? My Amy of course!" George shouted. Ricky ignored George for several minutes. And George didn't know what else to say.

"Well, Ricky. I want to thank you for the dinner, it was delicious. I should probably go home to Katheen now. So i can leave you and your thoughts to yourself." Ricky turned around, while George was walking to the door. "Where is Amy gonna stay anyways?" Asked Ricky. George's hand was already on the door handle. "Amy is gonna stay at my old house. The house is empty but Anne will be going back for these 2 weeks to stay with Amy." John walked into the livingroom. "Bye, bye grandpa." John said. George looked at John and picked him up and hugged him. "My little man, are you excited that mommy is coming home?" John's eyes became big. "Mommy coming home!" He shouted excited. "Well at least you are excited!" Said George while he looked at Ricky.
On the plane Amy had this weird feeling in her stomach. She felt scared and excited at the same time. She got lost in her thoughts till she fell asleep.

When she woke up, she could hear the flight attendant saying "Passengers, we will arrive at our destination in several minutes, please check your seats, don't forget anything on the plane and keep your seat belts on until we land. Thank you."
"Several minutes", thought Amy.

The plane landed and the passengers left the airplane. When Amy walked all the way to the exit her mom was waiting for her. "Hi, mom." Amy said, while she gave Anne a big hug. "Hi, Amy. How was New York?" It seemed like Amy was dreaming away. "Magical, and new. I love my condo!" Amy said. Anne and Amy walked to Anne's car. They both got into the car and drove home. "So you want to shower first and then your going over to Ricky's to see John?" Anne asked while she parked the car. Amy nodded. "Yes, i wanna go home with you first to get ready and stuff and then i'm gonna see John." Anne and Amy left the car. Amy grabbed her suitcases, and walked in the house.

While Amy was in the shower Ricky called Anne. "Hi, yes? Amy is in the shower Ricky!... Uhm... she will get there in an hour... Okay... I'll tell her."

Amy walked the kitchen in where Anne was sitting on a chair. "Was that Ricky?" Amy asked. "Yes, he was wondering when you'll get there. And i told him you would be there in an hour, and he said it was fine." Amy looked kinda shocked at her mother. "So i have to ask for permission first to go there? I don't know if Ricky still remembers but i took a key with me. So i could get into our... I mean his appartment!" Anne pointed to a chair at the table in front of her. "Look Amy, you just can't go there whenever you want to. It's his place. You ended your relationship with him so you don't have the right to just drop in with your extra key..."
Amy sad down and said. "But we have a son. John is my son too so i do have the right to go in if i want to!" Anne shook her head and couldn't understand the jealousy Amy had in her voice. "Amy, if you and Ricky agreed to be friends you both should be friends and not act weird around each other. And don't be so childish! I know that John is your son too but he lives with Ricky now and your just the visitor!" Amy stood up and wanted to say something until she changed her mind. She felt like everyone, even her own mother who supported her to go to New York seemed to be angry at her for some reason.
Amy walked to the bathroom were she put make-up on, straightened her hair and let it down. She wore a black velvet dress and some black heels.
When she went downstairs her mom and dad were sitting in the kitchen talking to each other. "Dad!" Amy said, very excited to see her father. George looked at Amy, stood up and hugged her. "Hi, pumpkin. How are you, how was New York?" "Great, can't wait till college starts!" Amy said while she took her little black velvet purse.
"Are you going out on a date?" George asked while he looked at Amy's dress. "No, i'm going over to Ricky's, to get John." Anne laughed a little bit. "Your going over to Ricky's wearing that? It looks like your going out on a date." Amy looked at her dress and then at her mom. "I just wanted to look nice." Amy said disappointed in her mom's reaction. "Well, you look nice Amy!" Anne said. George frowned. "You look a little bit too nice young lady! Are you sure your not doing this to..."    "To what?" Amy asked with an angry voice. "Ah, nothing." George said while he looked at Anne and back at Amy.

"Well, i'm going now. Mom, see you later roomie. And dad, see you tomorrow or something." George waved when Amy left and closed the door behind her.
"Roomie?" Anne said. So i'm her roomie now? George put his hands in his pockets. "Isn't is nice? Your single and now you have a roomie! You always wanted to go back to college anyways!" George laughed while he walked out of the door leaving Anne alone in the kitchen.
"Roomie?" She said once again.

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