Episode 9: the reunion part 2

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Amy landed in California. Her parents couldn't pick her up. Her dad was working at his restaurant.
Amy loved seeing how her dad changed. How he stopped chasing his ex-wife and how he tried to be independent. In the beginning Amy had a hard time accepting her dad being in love with wife number one, but she accepted it eventually. And she loves seeing her dad happy, being married to Kathleen now.

Her mom was in Palm Springs, she had to stay at a clinic with Mimsy. Mimsy's Alzheimer's became worse. Amy felt bad for her grandmother. She couldn't even visit her. And it's so sad to know that her grandmother doesn't remember who Amy is.
When Amy finally saw the airport's exit, she saw Ricky and John waiting for her.
She didn't know Ricky would come. And she also didn't expect it, since it's 11:30 PM, meaning John should be in bed by now, and since she and Ricky didn't speak to each other in almost 2 weeks.
The last time she spoke to Ricky, he had called her. Asking her if she told Clementine they had had sex. But of course she didn't tell Clementine, she told no one.

John was standing next to Ricky, holding his dad's hand. He looked very tired.

"Look, John. Mommy is there." Ricky pointed to Amy. John's expression changed.
"Mommy!" He shouted excited. He released himself out of his dad's hand and ran to Amy, he jumped in her arms.
"John! I missed you so much!" Amy said. Ricky who was standing a little bit further, now walked over to John and Amy.
"Hi, Amy." He said. Amy looked at Ricky. Not sure if she should be mean or friendly. "Hi, Ricky. She said friendly. "I didn't know you were coming here to get me?"
"Your dad told me he couldn't come here to get you and your mom also couldn't come, so i decided to come, and i knew John would be very happy if i did."
Amy smiled. "Thanks."
Ricky nodded.
"Let's go." he said.

Ricky decided to take Amy to his apartment after he saw how John refused to let go of Amy, and since her mother had the key of the house and she didn't had a place to stay at. When Ricky, Amy and John arrived at the apartment, Amy could smile again. After being depressed for a couple of days she felt like she got home. She didn't feel angry at Ricky anymore. Why was he being so nice to her? Did he know something?

"I put John down, he's sleeping like an angel." Amy said, while she walked into the living room. "Thanks, Amy." Ricky said. "Amy placed her hands on her waist. "Well, he's my son too!"
"Yeah, i know." Ricky said.
"So?" Amy asked. "What now?"

"I was thinking..." Ricky said. "You can sleep in the bed, and i'll sleep on the floor." Amy looked at him trying to understand what he just said. "On the floor?" She asked. "You don't have to do that. I'll sleep on the floor." Ricky shook his head. "No, your the guest and i want you to feel comfortable." Amy nodded. "Okay."

"Can i ask you a favor?" Ricky asked.
"Sure!" Amy said, wondering what the favor was. "As you know, we both got invited to our old school. They think we're married. And everyone is gonna be there, and i don't want to make a scene. So, do you want to pretend to be married to me just for the reunion?" Ricky asked, not certain what she might answer.
Amy looked at Ricky, not so sure what to say. "Don't you think people know? I mean, my dad is married to Kathleen. She knows, so i guess Grace knows. And if Grace knows, everybody knows."
Ricky nodded. "But maybe no one knows? Because if Grace knows, and if she told everyone don't you think the school knows?"
"Yes, your probably right!" Amy said.
"So?" Ricky asked. "Wanna be my wife for the reunion?"
Amy smiled. "Uhm, yes. I guess i could do that. Because i don't feel like making a scene either. So, when is the reunion?"
"The reunion is tomorrow!"
Amy looked surprised. "Wow, what? My dad told me it's next week."
"No!" Ricky said. "I thought that was the reason why you came today. I thought you knew the reunion would be tomorrow?" Amy shook her head. "No. My dad said it was next week and that's why i came today. To spend time with John and go to the reunion."
"I guess you can still do both!" Ricky said.

"Does Clementine mind, that i'm here?" Amy asked out of curiosity. Trying to get to know more about Clementine. "No, She doesn't know." Ricky said while he made the bed ready for Amy. "She doesn't need to know, or else she'll get jealous." Amy helped Ricky with the bed. Just like old times sake.
"Doesn't she have the right to be jealous? I mean... You did sleep with me when i got back from New York." Ricky looked at Amy. "Yes, i did. But your here now, you came back from New York again and we're not sleeping together so..." Amy looked down. "I will never do that again, especially not with you! I don't think i'll ever have sex again!" She said very certain.
Ricky laughed. "The last time you said that, was when you had John. And yet you slept with me."
Amy looked into Ricky's eyes.
"Yes, i did. But we could, than. We were a couple. And we were engaged!" Ricky nodded. "And now we are just friends, taking care of John. Living life how we both want to live it, with you in New York and me here, trying to live it with my girlfriend, and nothing is gonna change the fact that i'm in love with Clementine! And don't worry Amy. I will never have sex with you again if that's what your really worried about!?" Ricky said with certainty in his voice.
"So... Clementine lives here?" She asked.
"No." He said. "But i might ask her."

It felt like Amy's heart shattered. She felt it crushing. Even know she never wanted to have sex and be with Ricky ever again.
She knew that she'll always be bound to him. And she knew she cared... Still...

And Amy felt hurt by his words.

"We never have to say goodbye.
Cause I can feel you from the afterlife.
And I just want to say that every single day,
You make me take a deeper look inside.
If everything you said is true.
Then I will never have to call on you.
In every single way - You're with me every day.
So we never have to say
We never have to say goodbye."

- Never Have To Say Goodbye
by Papa Roach.

The Secret Life Of The American Teenager [SEASON 6] Together ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora