"This would be the perfect picture, would it not?" I asked with a smile.

Once again, I pulled up the camera and carefully took my photo. Then, I pulled up the gallery and stared at it, determining whether I was satisfied or not.

"Well, can I drink my coffee now?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know," I teased. "I have to decide if I like the photo or not."

"I'll take it if you don't hurry."

"Don't you dare."

I looked up from the phone, catching Namjoon with the coffee in his hand, lifting to his lips. I gasped overdramatically before showing him the photo and allowing him to drink his coffee.

"Are you having fun yet?" Namjoon asked after me had finished our drinks

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"Are you having fun yet?" Namjoon asked after me had finished our drinks.

"Yeah, I am, actually. Lets get some food though," I suggested before waving Namjoon off to order our meal.

I smiled to myself before I heard a couple of girls squealing to themselves. My eyes found them within seconds as I stared at them, finding that they were staring at Namjoon.

"Isn't he handsome!?" One girl asked.

"I've never seen someone like him. He's not from this world. He can't be!" Another gaped.

"Do you think that's his girlfriend?" The third said and turned towards me. I looked down and acted as if I couldn't hear them.

"No way, he's far too handsome for her," the first said. "I think you should try to talk to him."

"No way, he'd turn me down in a second," The second replied.

"I bet he wouldn't turn me down."

"Then talk to him, Miss Confidence," the third challenged.

I scoffed at them and went on with admiring the view. Namjoon returned a few minutes later with our food. I smiled widely as it looked absolutely amazing.

Namjoon sat down and smiled at my expression

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Namjoon sat down and smiled at my expression. He handed me another coffee and then laughed loudly.

"What's so funny?" I snapped jokingly.

"You act like you've never seen breakfast food before," He replied.

"Well, I haven't eaten like this in forever. I can't afford it," I started, then practically threw my hand atop my mouth. "How am I going to pay you!? I dont have the money!"

"I already told you, don't worry about it. Today is on me."

Namjoon's smile was genuine. Pure. I pouted slightly as I opened my mouth to argue, but instead of letting me talk, Namjoon shoved some of my food into my mouth. I almost choked as we both began laughing at how much it had scared me.

"Um, excuse me."

The both of us immediately stopped and looked at the visitor to our table. It was the girl who had been dared to talk to Namjoon. I looked at Namjoon as he stood to talk to her out of respect.

"Ah, hello," he greeted formally.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner sometime," her voice trailed off as she attempted to act cute in front of him.

Namjoon looked at her as I stared at the two. I glanced at her friends who were staring in shock at the fact that he had actually talked to her. Namjoon's eyes widened slightly as if he was in shock.

"I really like you," she said, then smiled sweetly. "Will you go out with me?"

Namjoon looked far more calm and collected after her second question. He smiled at her slightly, glanced at her friends very subtly, then at me. I continued to stare straight at the girl, acting as if I couldn't see or feel his eyes on me.

Then, he suddenly bowed at a ninety degree angle. My jaw dropped, the girl stumbled back a step, and her friends stood up in sync. When he stood back up, he looked at me before her.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I'm not looking for a significant other at the moment. Thank you very much for liking me and asking me out, however I have to decline."

The girl's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me, then back at him. I saw her ball her fist, and immediately stood up, ready to protect Namjoon just as he had protected me. However, instead of raising her fist at Namjoon she turned to me.

"How could you ever like someone as ugly as her?" She snapped, then lifted her fist. Then, she swung. Hard.

I braced for the impact, however never felt it. I opened my eyes to see her hand stopped by the wrist. Namjoon had such a grip on her I could see her skin turning red already.

"How could I ever like someone with as ugly a heart as you?" He said furiously. "Get out of here."

He released her hand and she immediately ran. We watched as she scrambled off with her friends. Namjoon then turned to me and smiled apologetically.

"You just can't seem to catch a break today, can you?"

And just like that, I remembered.

Namjoon was known as 'The Protector'.

Namjoon was known to be loyal.

1382 Words

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