Since my parents were bilingual, we spoke spanish and English here.

"Ay, ya se pero es no mas un amigo." (Oh, i know but he's just a friend.) I said back.

Derek just kept looking at us weirdly not knowing what we were saying.

"Entonces dámelo para mi, yo si le iva dar un buen castigo, pero en la cama." (Then give him him to me, cause I will teach him a lesson. In the bed though.)

"Okaaayyy, uh Nancy, tell my mom that we're here now." I patted her shoulders as she walked away staring back at derek.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

"Nothing, just stuff that aren't important." I played with my hair.

"So her grounding me in the bed isn't important?" He asked winking.

I gasped, but couldn't say anything.

"Yo también hablo español. Y entiendo." (I also speak spanish. And understand.) He nudged me on my elbow.

"But, she's pretty but not my type." He said shrugging.

"Oh dang, I thought you were interested in her since you seem like the type of guy to have teenage girls drooling and old woman drooling by giving them a chance." I joked with him.

"Nuh uh, girl you got me bent. I don't go after her, they go after me." He said sitting in the living room.

I sat as well, and suddenly my mom appeared.

"Daisy, baby!" She said running to me.

I stood up, and saw her with stained tears, and  a tissue in her hand.

I hugged her, and she started crying in my arms.

"It's okay mom. It's okay." I said as tears were already winning me.

"Honey, I can't lose him. He's the love of my life. I just can't." She cried.

"Mom, it's for his best. He has a place where pure and happiness is. They're waiting for him." I consoled her.

"But, I just want him here." She said.

I looked at her, and see her eyes have no sparks in it anymore. Just sadness and a cruel world.

I kissed her forehead, and lead her to go upstairs.

"Get some rest, mom. You're tired. I love you, and I'll come back. Derek and I will go to the hospital to see him, okay?" I told her as Nancy led her upstairs.

After Nancy came back, Derek and I were ready to leave.

"I'll be right back, Nance. Take good care of her. Please." I begged pulling my bag over my shoulder.

"Okay. I feel so bad for her. She always been like this ever since the news, and she doesn't even want to eat, she's depressed." Nancy told me looking down.

"Yeah." I couldn't say anything else. I actually hate seeing her suffer like this. Everything that we went through, I still love them and can't forget about them.


When we arrived to the hospital, I asked for David Greenwood. They told me that I could go see him to room 343.

I searched through the room numbers, and finally catched the number.

I sighed and took a deep breath before entering.

"It's gonna be alright, izz. Enjoy your moment with him. I'll be waiting out here." He told me.

I nodded, and turned the door knob opening it and closing it again.

I walked through the little hall, and glance at him while he was watching the tv.

He let his spoon drop, and opened his arms to me.

"Daisy. Oh my gosh, daisy. I can't believe you're here." He said as his voice sounded raspy.

"Dad. I missed you so much." I cried into his arms.

I honestly missed him more than anything, I just wanted to be with him and stay with him forever.

"Dad, I love you. I don't want to lose you. Not now. Please hold on there. There must be a cure to this, please tell me there is. Please." I cried out in his arms.

He soothed my hair, and could feel his tears hit my head.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. There's no choice. Nothing can be done now." He said.

I looked at up him, and see his red eyes as well like my mom used to have.

"Daisy, where's your ring? And Jack? Did he not come?" He asked looking behind me.

I looked down, and see my bare ring finger. I went over it trying not cry more for what happened. And not tell him the truth or else he would get worse and I don't want that.

"Jack had meetings and conferences that he needed to assist, but he said hey and hope you feel better. And my ring, I must've forgotten when I got out of the shower since I was in a rush." I lied.

I felt so bad, but it was for his own good.

He lifted my chin, and analyzed my eyes.

"Daisy, you're lying. Something is going on. Did you guys fight before coming here?" He asked.

I bit my lip, and holded myself in. But I failed.

I buried my hands in my face, and cried again. But more.

"Oh daisy, c'mere." My dad put me in his arms.

"It's just - it's just hard. I love him, dad. I truly love him now. We got along with each other and actually fell in love with each other. He means so much to me, dad. I don't want to lose him."

"Daisy, in every argument, we all say things that we don't mean. We yell back and forth until we get tired, our minds control our actions to say hurtful things. But in our hearts, it tells us to go back and work it out, and hug each other knowing that we love and deserve each other. And Jack and you, should follow what your heart says, and not your mind. Enjoy those moments with him. Enjoy the beautiful life with him. Enjoy his company and that he's right by your side through thick and thin, enjoy the days that past through you guys. Because you never know when it'll be time for him to go or neither will you." He lectured me.

"Thanks dad, and mom. Thank you for giving me the best husband ever. Thank you in getting me involved to this whole marriage thing. Now I don't see this as a set up, I see this as real love." I squeezed hands gently, wiping my tears as he did this the same.

"I love you, my little girl."

"I love you, dad."


Much love, Stephanie

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