Chapter Forty Five

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Aronica heard the door slammed again. Gemma's out again. She doesn't know if she should worry about her again or feel relieved that she's finally alone. Seeing Harry talk to Gemma made her anxious, knowing that if Gemma did recognize him, everything would fall. She would have to move away and seeing Harry would make it even harder. 

But she can't be selfish at this situation. Harry needs his sister and if she's the reason to why he isn't able to then she'd never be able to forgive herself. 

All she needs is a bath to clear up her messed up head and she'll be okay once more, no numbness ready to envelop her whole body at any second.

As she heads for the bathroom, she passes by Gemma's room where she finds herself walking towards it. There was something that made her want to dig in, that Gemma was hiding something. Because she couldn't just go crazy like she is right now.

She goes for the drawers where she found the letter Gemma had written to the orphanage, but nothing was there except for a couple of wrinkled sticky notes with phone numbers on it. She had always be the eye-catcher, too bad. 

She sighs and pulls open the second drawer, again usual stuff, old make up brushes and unused photo frames. As she pulls open the third drawer, hidden behind a lump of laundry, her throat encloses. It was a tape, with a date on it.

17th September 2012

Maybe this was it, the day her parents got into an accident. Maybe this'll show something else. She runs out for her mother's small library where it had a VCR player. Her mother always loved this room for the books and the tapes she had stored somewhere in here, said that it gave her a lot of emotions than just watching through the phone and such.

She puts it in and waits, her chest loud and scared. The video turned on and was black and white, showing an empty street with trees beside, all tall and big. Suddenly a car comes in and she immediately notices it as her parent's. Followed it was another car, an unfamiliar one which raced through and hit the back of her parent's car. The video wasn't clear and had no sound but she could hear the loud thud in her head. The car strictly hit a tree, the front part completely gone and the doors opened from the impact.

Hands fell out and soon she finds her mother's body rolling out. She gasps, frozen to the core. 

The car that had hit them was stopped, and for a second she thought they would be panicking. But instead a woman came, her trench coat flying behind as she walks towards the car. Her hair was long, dark and her walk proved that it was intentional. Aronica didn't have to wait to see who it was, she already knew. She knew yet she waits to actually see the woman. 

The woman turns around and looks everywhere before landing her gaze on the CCTV, her eyes directly going through Aronica's. She seemed to sigh, rubbing her temple before leaving the car there and walking away. Of course it wasn't her car, it doesn't even have a plate number on it. 

The video ends shortly and for all these years, the answer was here, right here. In a room next her, hidden behind a pile of clothes and kept so carelessly. Gemma knew no one would suspect her to be the guilty one. She was fake. She was so fake and all Aronica wanted to do was throw this television out the window and watch it scatter on the ground. 

She wanted to stay calm but nothing was helping. Nothing at all. 

So she made a copy of that tape and saves it on the computer, copying it onto a USB and holding it in her hands tightly. She can feel her palms beginning to sweat but she doesn't care anymore. All these years of having the answer right under her nose was very stupid. It was the confirmation to all her hesitating thoughts and questions. 

She finds herself keeping the tape back to where she found it and piled up the dirty laundry as it was before. After fixing up the positions of some clothe, she runs out, heading in a particular direction. Her mind leaves thoughts behind as she runs, the wind stinging her skin in ways that she flinches with every step. 

The place comes to view and her chest moves in waves. As she sees the door, the numbness is gone. She wants to see him. She needs to see him.

Her legs stride forward until her knuckles were near enough to knock on the door, her eyes searching for the face she has loved seeing. 

"Hey, Aronica" Deanne says, unsure. 

Aronica's unsure as well to why she's here but she knows Harry won't be leaving her anytime soon so she gives up and looks over her shoulder. "Is Harry here?"

"Uh, yeah. Hold on" Deanne seemed relieved Aronica didn't show any hatred or jealousy towards the fact that she's here instead of him and walks inside. The cold air blew the bed sheets and Aronica shivers, waiting.

"Aronica, what's wrong?" his voice melts her whole body and she walks to him, surrounding his torso with her arms. She needs this as well, she needs to feel him. All of him.

"It's Gemma. It's Gemma, Harry-I-I-I don't know what to do about it an-and it's killing me-"

"Hey, stay calm. I want you to breathe. Gosh, did you run here?"  he frowns and as he notices her blurred eyes, he knew it was serious. 

"What happened? What did Gemma do?" he got quiet, bending down so he could reach her eye level. She hands him over the tape with shaky fingers, leaving behind second thoughts. He seemed hesitant to take it, afraid as to what's inside. "Ron?"

"It was her. Harry, it was her. She killed your parents. She was the one all along" her eyes exploded with tears and his breath shortens, his heart stops and everything that's helping him to live stops. 

"What's in here, then?"

"Just watch it" she shakes her head, unable to spell it out.

"Oh God" he closes his eyes and pulls her closer and at this point, he doesn't know if he's giving her the comfort she's needing or he's the one that needs it. For a moment, they're back to the confused, lost people that happened to fall in love. 

"I don't know what to do" she whimpers, breathing into his scent and allowing it to diffuse through every corner of her body, calming her head with his warmth. He was home for her, every place she tries to settle in, it wouldn't be the one. He makes her want to be in his arms forever and so she slowly feel her senses coming back.

"We'll figure it out, we always do" he kisses her head, resting his cheeks on her hair and shutting his eyes to remember all the good memories he had shared with Gemma. He knows that once the truth is out, he might not see her anymore. He might not know how she would look like in a couple of years later. 

And just like the day he was put into the orphanage, he holds onto the memories, wishing it was the glue to place him back together once again.

.     .     .


sorry if its short, i've been so busy that i wrote this chapter for like four days and never got to finish it. so so sorry. i'll try to get back on track :)

plus, this reveal was so obvious it might not even be a plot twist lol. anyways, five chapters to go! and then i'll post the epilogue and an author note. 

thank u to whoever's reading this, the first few chapters have been so weird and if u survived that, thank you. so much. i love you

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