Chapter Twenty

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They both acceded to spending the day by passing through each shops and walking into it. It wasn't much but they knew it was something to keep their mind off from specific things. Aronica though, suggested a little bit far from the town since she didn't need Harry to notice the weird environment happening whenever she's around.

So they both did that.

Their hands bumped onto each other's every while when walking, causing the situation to be a little bit awkward. She licked her bottom lip and stepped away a little, not bothering to look at the blushed boy beside her.

Harry rolled his eyes when he caught her smiling, but eventually pulling her hand to join them together lightly. He ignored when her breath stopped short, obviously surprised from the sudden gesture.

"Didn't want people to think that we're on an argument or something. You don't have to move faraway" he said, making her to lose the tension present in her muscles.

"Sure" she started to swing her hands, meaning with Harry's too, and he laughed a little, playing along with her. He felt genuinely calm, realizing that it has been a while since he felt that way. He didn't miss his father, or did he thought about the girl who replaced him. He didn't for once mind about the parent who left him. And he wanted to stay this way.

"You're cute when you smile like that" he poked her cheeks with his free hand and she did so too to his dimple.

"And how is that smile exactly?"

He lets go, bringing both of his hands up to her face and lifting the corner of her lips slightly up, her eyes light brightly from the close distance in between. He breathed out a 'there', satisfied with her current smile, all lazy and calm, soft and gentle.

"I don't see much of a difference when I smile, and smile like this" she looked at him as if he had made the weirdest thought, like he had told her that he enjoyed watching her suffer.

She pointed at her face, and Harry grinned, bringing his arm over her shoulders.

"Guess I have special eyes huh?" he joked, though people would think it was cocky, she thought it was the truth.

"Oh look. Ice cream, want some?" he suggested. She shrugged, and he took that as a yes, dragging her quickly like a child who hadn't ate sweets in such a long time. However that left her wondering. How was he when a little child? Was his eyes bright green, or was his dimple not as deep as it is now? Or does he look the same except for slight changes that people wouldn't notice? Does he make lame comments on people? Was he fun to talk with?

They both walked into the shop, being hit with a delicious smell of aroma. A lady walked out of a room, eyes widening as she spots Harry.

"Jane!" Harry lets go of her and ran up to the old lady, probably in her late 50s. He literally jumped on her and gripped onto her tightly, smiling bright and wide. Aronica smiled, looking at him so satisfyingly, not knowing why.

"Oh god Harry you've grown up. Added some weight too" she playfully beat his bum and he shrieked, getting away from her.

"You still do that?" he rubbed his bum with a pitiful face before realizing he had completely forgotten about Aronica. He raced to her and smiled, seeing as she nod he whispered.

"Sorry, didn't mean to leave you like that" he quietly said.

"It's okay, I understand" she was then being pulled towards the lady, smiling politely at her, hoping for 'Jane' to not recognize who she is.

Luckily she didn't as she returned the smile delightfully.

"I'm Jane Aileen" She pulled Aronica into a hug, stroking her hair and looking at her like she had known her for a very long time.

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