Chapter Twelve

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The sound of metals clinking, sizzling of vegetables and chopping of salad along with the small hums of classic songs coming out from the radio. The smell hasn't reached him yet, but he knows well that when it would, he will shut his eyes of approval. The homely kitchen was nothing compared to the one he used to live in.  It consist of expensive brands of cooking tools, flat screen stove, and organized knives set according to it's size.

The fridge was huge, a double one that had ice simulator with water dispensor. But the kitchen he is now staring St has nothing about those. Spoons and forks scattering on the sink, a radio set on the kitchen counter next to the single white stained fridge along with napkins folded. The sink was quiet clean, if you exclude the eating tools. The walls were fruits patterned, with frames of recipe hung on the wall. Magnets and to-do lists are pressed on the fridge making it more filled. But of course, without her, it wouldn't be more comfy.

Sarah continued to sway her thin hips, moving along the unknown 70s song that is currently singing on the old radio making Harry to wonder how it is still working. But her husband was a mechanic so it wasn't much of a surprise when he got told.

She finished chopping off the salad and squid which she slides it off into the pan, making the sizzle to be more louder and smoke deriving above. She sighs in relief before turning around to meet Harry's green eyes that she adored.

"How's fried squid?" She asks, smiling widely at the young boy sitting and absorbing every smell of the cooking food.

"That'll do" he nods. She muttered a happy 'ok' before holding up the pan. She professionally slide the pan on air, the food present on it jumping before falling back down. Harry looked as she did it smoothly in awe, thinking how many times she had done it for it to be so perfect. Probably her whole life.

"It smells good Mrs.Evan" he smiles. She shakes her head slightly before putting down the cooking pan on it's place, lowering the fire to 4.

"Please, Harry, just call me Sarah" she said sighing as Harry frown at denial.

"Sure. Sarah?" He looks at her in confusion but she just nods in approval before placing her eyes on the food.

"Mmm perfect. Just right" She hums as one squid is popped into her mouth. He's not sure if she said that to his calling her name or if was to the taste of the food. Hopefully the latter.

Harry sits straight to be ready as she sets the plate down. The grilled food in front of him still sizzled as small bubbles fade on it. The smoke was high and disappearing away into the air and Sarah set a side dish which was chilli paste.

"I used to eat this day and night when I was around your age" she says as she sits down, looking at Harry dearly.

"Oh" he looks up at her, taking in the beauty she held even with the wrinkles. Her brown eyes consist of small sparks, which he sees his reflection inside. He smiled at how satisfied she is with him.

"Did you eat yet?" He asks.

"Yes. An hour before you came" she said.
"Want some? I don't eat much and this would be nice to share" He pushes the plate slightly after taking bite with it melting in his mouth. It savoured his entire body, warming the inside. His tongue is on favour today, as he thinks, since it has been forever he ate such homely food. He only ate those fast food, unhealthy ones. Salad was of course in his diet but it wasn't always there. He even had to skip a meal to save the money he earned.

"Its fine Harry. I've ate enough. Plus, you should eat more than you do! Look at that small waist and thin arms! You look alot like Dalkin when I first met him" she chuckles as her head drift off to that special day.

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