Chapter Thirty Seven

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By the time she calmed down, she uses all of her energy that's left and inspect the crib a little harder. Then she realized that on the white surface of the crib, there were words written on it by pencil. Tiny, yet holds so much.

We will forever be there, and our love will somehow stay no matter how empty it might feel by then. We love you so much.

You're amazing, incredible and I want to write down every other adjective but it might take up this whole space and your mother might kick my ass—bum. Sorry, love you.

There was a repeated scribble over the word 'ass' and she laughs to herself, running her finger over the frantic looking handwriting.

I still don't understand why your father chose to do this, I already know he's insane, writing on your crib I mean, because like while you're using this you'll be too small to be able to read and when you're big enough this will be gone. But I'm writing on it so it must mean I'm insane too. I hope you still love us.

I wish you never forget us, even when you give your heart out to some other guy (or girl) just like I did to your mother. I never forgot my parents, they helped me raise into a person that your mother loves so much and I've never thanked them enough. I love you forever.

Honey, if you're ever lost and we're not by your side in that time, never hold back anything. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to scream and chase away birds from how scary you'd sound, then scream. If you want to love, love. Do whatever it takes to let go all the things that's weighing you down. Hopefully someone will be there for you as a map but I much prefer if you find it yourself because if they're not there for you too next time, then you'll be lost forever. Learn to trust yourself, I love you baby.

Okay, I did something terrible. I don't know why I'm writing on this like it's my journal but it feels like I'm telling it to you so I guess that's why. Your mom got her period today and she told me to get her tampons from the store but I had forgotten ,when I reached there, what she asked for so instead I bought flour since she always loved baking. Oh God, I'm not ready to face her and she's waiting in the toilet.

Crap, she's calling my name.

Tears gently stroll down her cheeks. They were the kind of love that you'd find present in everything. From a best friend to another, from a broken shattered person to some other aching person, from an old married couple. They were exactly the type of love you'd want to see right in front of your eyes and to know she couldn't see that broke her even harder.

She's tired of crying. She didn't know she'd cry so much. But to see them writing on it like they knew they'd be gone soon, way too soon, tore every living part of her.

Her knuckles turn pale and white as she grasps the rail of the crib, tears falling on the soft brown coloured blankets inside. If she were to gain a little bit more strength then the crib would be falling to pieces.

She wants to leave so she could have space from all these but she needs to face them. She'll have to live here.

That man still didn't ask for her so she takes advantage of that and lets go, leaning on the wall next to it and closing her eyes, feeling everything at once.

.   .   .


Someone's shaking him and he frowns, wanting to sleep more.

"Wake up Mister, it's one pm. You hear that? One pm" he still stubbornly remains unmoved, despite Deanne shaking him, and shuts his eyes.

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