Chapter Fifteen

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Gemma was lost.

She couldnt escape from whatever has been said. She couldn't run away from whatever has happened. She couldnt forget about how the words were sincerely said. About how it was genuine in her ears. She wanted those to be taken back. She wanted time to reverse so she could prevent those words to be said.

But either way, it'll still blow her mind.

Her actions might hurt her parent's daughter, but not like it was the first. Because this time, it felt like it was the first time she had been guilty of it. There was an unscrewed nail in her heart, begging her to take a hammer and hit it back to tighten. But she didn't have the hammer. It was stolen by the girl she resented.

Her heart was racing as she stood in front of the graveyard, watching leaves falling off the tree and flying in the air before falling silently on the ground. She was sure that the trees were not touched by any of the neighbours, therefore leaving its leaf fall apart. Like how an old person's life is tearing away. Suddenly she felt like she wanted to be one of them. She wanted to be away.

Her feet moved forward towards the two stones, reading the name and years carved on it nearly in a cursive design. The name was precious to her, but it still made her life fall apart. She wanted to avoid bringing more risks in her life from searching Harry. She needed to stop it. But it was too quick.

"-I really don't want to see you falling into some water or something. It would cause a destruction to my heart"

She heard a boy said, walking along the path of the outer graveyard, and she froze.

"Destruction? Since when was i a piece of your heart? Thought she took like, quarter" another voice joked back. It wasnt clear like the day was, since Gemma was at the back of the area while those two voices are at the front. She ignored those two knowing they are some other couples having their day.

"Fuckers" she muttered, falling on the ground, or the leaves, making a crackle sound. Her head leant back on the old tree, feeling glad it covered her from being seen.

"Ron, for the last time she isn't mine!" The boy's voice became more cheerful and soon they stopped walking. Well Gemma thought they did.

"Wait I need to stop by"

Was what she heard before hearing footsteps coming towards her. Her eyes widen, and all of a sudden she felt like running and hide. She didn't know why she felt like that but it was just something her head told to do.

"Ron you said you would meet them!"

"Oh lord right. Ha I lost it for a while. Sorry Haz. Thought someone was at my parents stone" the girl swiftly turned around, joining the boy she had been talking with earlier. Gemma's heart calmed and she just sat there, waiting for them to leave completely.

"Thank God"

Her eyes drifted to the still stones in front of her, somewhat waiting for the words that was going to be sunk. Gemms hesitated but everything inside of her was burning, and all it needs is a cool ice.

"I'm sorry" she said before standing up and running off away from the yard. Her heart pumped louder, surprised by what she said to those still stones. She was a lady of not talking to people once they were dead but somehow, through whatever happens, she just finds her way to the grave yard.

"Gemma? Good you're here! Come i need your help with my flowers. They're dying" Sandra, the girl who was a florist came up to her, smiling cheerfully. She had this, energy which dies down only at night but as soon she wakes up, it comes back to her. It was like the motivation to never give up always trailed behind her like a puppy asking for attention. Maybe that was what kept the flowers alive. As Gemma thought.

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